Garbagna Novarese
Welcome to Garbagna Novarese!
Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about Garbagna Novarese, a municipality in Piedmont, located in the province of Novara, with a population of about 1415 inhabitants. I will take you on a discovery of the physical geography of the territory, its water resources, and the history of the municipality.

Physical geography
The territory of Garbagna Novarese has a mixed morphology, consisting mainly of gravelly and sandy-gravelly alluvial deposits, with associations of muddy and clay material. The north-western section of the territory is part of a gravelly fluvioglacial alluvial terrace, called the Novara-Vespolate Terrace, which slopes gently towards the south. Some fragments of the terrace are still connected in the territory of Novara.
Water resources
Main watercourses
The territory of Garbagna Novarese is crossed by several watercourses, including the Arbogna-Erbognone stream, the Cavo della Mensa Vescovile di Novara, and the Ri stream. The Arbogna-Erbognone stream originates in Novara and collects rainwater and discharge from urban areas. The course of the stream, which is generally straight, is only marginally contained by earth embankments and can have extremely variable flow rates.
Minor watercourses
In the "valley" area of the Arbogna-Erbognone stream, the Cavo della Mensa Vescovile also flows, which is derived from the Arbogna-Erbognone stream in the municipal area of Novara. The Cavo della Mensa Vescovile culverts in some sections corresponding to urban areas of the municipality.
Origin of the name
The name Garbagna Novarese derives from the term "garbage", which means "collection of grain". In Piedmontese language, the municipality is also called "Garbagna ('d Noara)".
Monuments and places of interest
Garbagna Novarese has several churches and chapels, including the Church of San Giovanni Battista, the Chapel of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Chapel of San Giuseppe. In addition, the municipality hosts several historic buildings, such as the Civic Tower and Villa Franco.
Cultural and folkloric events
Garbagna Novarese holds several cultural and folkloric events throughout the year, including the Fair of San Giovanni, which takes place in June, and the Feast of San Marco, which is held in November.
In conclusion, Garbagna Novarese is a municipality with a rich history and a territory that offers interesting natural resources. We hope that this brief virtual tour has made you appreciate the beauties of this small Piedmontese municipality.