
Discovering Gangi: a small town in Sicily

Hello everyone! Today I'll tell you a little about the history and curiosities of the town of Gangi, in the province of Palermo, in Sicily. Are you ready? Let's get started!

Physical geography

Gangi is located in a hilly position at an altitude of about 1015 meters above sea level. The historic center of the town is characterized by a set of narrow alleys, stairs and arches, with the Presa, a very long Norman fortified wall that runs along the entire city. The town covers an area of 132.12 km² and has a population of around 6,183 inhabitants.

Gangi: History, Curiosities, and Beauty of a Sicilian Municipality.


Gangi has a Mediterranean climate, with cold and rainy winters and hot and dry summers.


There is much to discover about the history of Gangi. The territory of the town boasts archaeological finds dating back to the Bronze Age, such as the necropolis of Serra del Vento, with tombs carved into the rock.

The city was then identified with the legendary Cretan city of Engyon, credited by many scholars of yesterday and today.

Over the centuries, Gangi has gone through many historical events, including the destruction of the town in 1299 by Federico III during the War of the Vespers, and the subsequent reconstruction of the castle on Mount Marone.

In the 16th century, Gangi had about 4,000 inhabitants and the company of the Whites was founded, which welcomed the most prominent members of society. In 1625, the Grifeo Maniaci family acquired the territory of Gangi, becoming the princes of the town in 1629.

During the Spanish period, Gangi was also subject to the Inquisition in Sicily and saw the construction of the Church of the Badia and the opening of Academies, including that of the Industrious, who were part of the Masons.


Gangi is also known for having been the target of the famous Prefect Cesare Mori's siege in 1926. With the help of the Carabinieri and the police, Mori combed the town house by house, arresting bandits and fugitive mafiosi.


Here is a small introduction to the history and curiosities of the town of Gangi. I hope you enjoyed this brief but interesting overview, and that it has made you better acquainted with this small town in Sicily. I invite you to visit it and discover its beauties and curiosities, perhaps even during the famous Feast of Our Lady of Grace, which takes place every year in the second week of August. See you soon with more adventures!

Marco Rossi
Wrote by Marco Rossi
Updated Sunday, Jul 10, 2022