
Discovering Gandosso, a hill town in Lombardy

Hello everyone! In this text, I'll be talking about Gandosso, a hill town located in the province of Bergamo, in Lombardy. With its 1435 inhabitants, Gandosso is a hidden gem that offers stunning views of the high Valcalepio and much of Lake Iseo.


The town of Gandosso is located on the right side of Valcalepio, about 30 kilometers east of Bergamo. Its secluded location makes it a peaceful and serene place, ideal for those seeking some relaxation. The hilly terrain in which it is immersed offers a spectacular view of the surrounding valley.

Gandosso: hidden gem in Lombardy.


The history of Gandosso dates back to prehistoric times, when the first inhabitants took refuge in the numerous natural caves and recesses present in the territory. Although no significant remains have been found, recent studies seem to confirm the human presence since those times.

The most famous caves are Dol Mosc, Luga and Molera, the latter used since the Roman Empire for the extraction of stones used for grinding grain. This activity provided employment and income for the inhabitants for centuries, before declining in the 20th century.

The real village of Gandosso was developed in the Middle Ages, when the territory was included in the possessions of the Calepio counts. The family maintained power over Gandosso for several centuries, during which the town passed from medieval domination to that of the Republic of Venice, when the county of Calepio was established.

During this period, Gandosso also suffered from conflicts between Guelphs and Ghibellines, until it became a place so inaccessible that the inhabitants said they were as safe as inside the castle of Gandosso. However, the castle was destroyed by the French at the end of the 18th century and today only a few ruins remain, including some remains of the foundations and a staircase carved into the rock.

Monuments and places of interest

One of the main monuments of Gandosso is the Church of Santa Maria Annunziata, built in 1679 in Baroque style on the design of Andrea Fantoni. Inside, you can admire numerous works of art, including wooden sculptures and marble inlays of the Fantoni family, paintings by Girolamo Castelli and Antonio Balestra, and an organ produced by the Bossi family. Near the church is a small group of buildings, among which the Gonzaga Palace once stood, a noble building that has lost much of its original features.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a peaceful and enchanting place in Lombardy, you cannot miss Gandosso. This small hill town has a fascinating history and breathtaking views that will leave you speechless. Visit it and you will thank me!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Saturday, Feb 12, 2022