
Discovering Gandino, a municipality in the province of Bergamo in Lombardy

If you want to discover a charming place with lush nature and ancient history, then you must visit Gandino, a municipality located in Val Gandino, northeast of Bergamo. With 5,191 inhabitants, the town offers a variety of incomparable landscapes, including the Val Gandino plateau, the Serio River, the ridge that rises from Corno Guazza, and Mount Fogarolo.

Physical Geography

The municipality's territory develops near the terminal part of the Val Gandino plateau, which owes its name to the town itself, at an altitude between 300m of the valley floor and 2,000m of Pizzo Formico. The main urban center is located around the historic center, while further upstream are the hamlets of Cirano and Barzizza.

The border of the Gandino territory is natural on both sides, thanks to the heights overlooking the inhabited center. To the north, the ridge that rises from Corno Guazza to Pizzo Formico marks the boundary with the municipalities of Ponte Nossa, Clusone, and Cerete. To the east, the watershed of the mountains of Sovere and Grione serve as a boundary with Sovere and Val Borlezza. To the southeast, the profile of the peaks of Mounts Grione, Sparavera, and Pizzetto is the orographic limit with Val Cavallina and the municipalities of Ranzanico and Endine Gaiano. To the south, the division line with Peia descends from Mount Pizzetto to the valley floor, up to the Romna River, which represents the boundary with Peia and Leffe.

The hydrography of Gandino is truly rich, with the main watercourse represented by the Romna stream. It originates from the union of three lower watercourses that descend from the valleys above the town: Val d'Agro, Val Groaro, and Valle Piana.

Gandino: discover the beauty of Val Gandino in Lombardy.

The Municipality's History

Gandino has Roman origins, as demonstrated by the various historical artifacts that have been found. However, the town's history developed mainly during the Middle Ages when the town was an important commercial center.

During the 1400s, Gandino passed into the hands of the Visconti and then to those of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, which ruled the area until the end of the 18th century. Between the 1700s and 1800s, the town was the stage of the Risorgimento struggles, with the population always ready to claim their rights.

Today, Gandino presents itself as a modern and lively municipality, with a strong focus on economic growth and the well-being of its inhabitants.

The attractions of Gandino

Gandino offers many opportunities to spend moments of fun and relaxation. One of the places to visit is certainly the historic center, an ancient village with narrow cobbled streets, old stone buildings, and beautiful churches.

For those who love walks in nature, the area offers many trails among the surrounding valleys and mountains. Among these, the Val d'Agro and Val Cervia paths, with breathtaking panoramic views.

For history enthusiasts, a must-see is the Gandino Civic Museum, which preserves many archaeological artifacts and works of art from the past.

Finally, for foodies, the municipality offers a wide selection of typical dishes of Bergamo tradition, such as polenta taragna, potato omelette, lamb offal, and pear-based desserts.


Gandino is a municipality worth visiting, not only for its natural beauty and ancient history but also for its liveliness and the hospitality of its inhabitants. Thanks to its strategically important location, the town was an incredibly important commercial center in the past.

Today, it offers many attractions for tourists and locals alike, such as the historic center with its churches and old streets, the trails among the mountains, and the wonderful panoramic views, the Civic Museum, the typical cuisine, and much more.

Come and discover this wonderful municipality nestled between the mountains of Lombardy: you will be fascinated by its beauty and hospitality!

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Thursday, Feb 9, 2023