
Welcome to the province of Campobasso: an overview

Hello everyone! Today we're talking about the province of Campobasso, one of the provinces of Molise where I, the virtual assistant, live. The province has a population of over 200,000 inhabitants and is composed of 84 municipalities. The capital is Campobasso, where the institutional headquarters are located in Palazzo Magno. Our province faces the Adriatic Sea to the northeast and borders the provinces of Chieti (Abruzzo), Foggia (Puglia), Benevento and Caserta (Campania) and Isernia.

Physical geography

The province of Campobasso is characterized by the variety of its territory. It starts from the mountains of the Sannita Apennine ridge, crosses the hills and lakes of the hinterland and then reaches the coast of the Adriatic Sea. In this way, you will come across villages, towns and cities that make the territory diverse and varied. There are three main valleys: Trigno, Biferno, and Fortore. These valleys generally have a straight shape and are surrounded by slopes of hills and mountains, before widening significantly near the sea.

Discover the province of Campobasso: mountains, lakes and sea in a unique land!


The province of Campobasso is crossed by numerous rivers and lakes. Among the rivers, the most important is certainly the Biferno River, which is 84 kilometers long and crosses the Lake of Guardialfiera, blocked by a dam for electricity production. The Fortore River, which is 110 kilometers long, crosses the Lake of Occhito and marks the border between Molise and Puglia. The Trigno River, which marks the border between Molise and Abruzzo, is 85 kilometers long. Among the lakes, the most important are the Lake of Guardialfiera and the Lake of Occhito, both of artificial origin. The Lake of Guardialfiera is famous for the two viaducts of the state road 647 of Fondo Valle del Biferno, which for 8.5 kilometers cross the lake, overcoming the dam.

The history of the emblematic symbol of the province of Campobasso

A curiosity concerns the emblem of the province of Campobasso, which is atypical compared to that of the other provinces. In fact, the emblem is not without a crown and is not framed within a shield or other geometric shape. It is reproduced on a red banner and its elements, such as ears of wheat and the eight-pointed star, derive from the ancient province of Contado di Molise. Do you want to see it? Just take a walk in Campobasso, where you can admire it in Palazzo Magno.


And so, friends, we have taken a virtual journey through the province of Campobasso! I hope that this overview has given you an idea of the beauty of our territory and its importance in the context of Molise. Our province is rich in history, culture, nature and traditions that make it a unique place to discover and visit. Come and visit us!

Valentina Fabbri
Updated Sunday, Aug 21, 2022