
Welcome to the province of Brescia: the largest in Lombardy

Hello everyone, today I will tell you about the wonderful province of Brescia, located in the Lombardy region. With its 1,254,069 inhabitants, it is the second most populous province in the region and the fifth in Italy, considering only standalone provinces. In this article, we will discover together the natural and geographical beauties of the Brescia territory.

Physical geography: lakes, valleys and much more

The province of Brescia is the largest in Lombardy, with a total of 4784.36 km². The territory is crossed by three major lakes: Lake Garda, Lake Iseo and Lake Idro, as well as numerous smaller mountain lakes. In addition, there are three main valleys: Val Camonica, Val Trompia and Valle Sabbia, which offer breathtaking landscapes. The province also boasts a vast flat area south of the city territory, known as Bassa Bresciana, and various hilly areas that surround the cityscape and extend east and west. Thanks to the altitude and morphological variety of the territory, it is possible to find all types of European biomes, from Mediterranean zones to perpetual snows of Adamello.

Brescia: natural treasures amidst lakes and valleys

The valleys: a reference point for the entire territory

As mentioned earlier, the Brescia territory is crossed by three major valleys: Val Camonica, Val Trompia and Valle Sabbia. All three have Crocedomini Pass as a point of union, which takes its name from the "cross" formed by the union of the three basins. The road artery that allows their connection is the former State Road 345 of the Three Valleys. In addition, there are numerous small valleys on the province, often tributaries of the major ones, whose landscape varies from valley to valley.

The geomorphology and geology of the province of Brescia

Due to the vast territorial extension of the province, the geomorphology and geology differ from valley to valley. Often, within the same basin, it is possible to recognize different characteristics of the rock walls. In most cases, the conformation of the territory is of limestone origin.


In summary, the province of Brescia offers a vast and varied territory, where wild nature blends with the presence of man. Among the natural beauties of the province, there are the three major valleys, numerous small valleys and the presence of the three major lakes. The province of Brescia is definitely a place to visit at least once in a lifetime, the combination of nature and history makes this province an unmissable tourist destination.

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022