Galliera Veneta

Greetings from Galliera Veneta!

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about Galliera Veneta, an Italian municipality with a long and interesting history. Located in the province of Padua, in the Veneto region, Galliera has a population of about 7,000 and its parish is dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene.

The origin of the name of Galliera Veneta

The name Galliera first appears in historical documents way back in 1085. According to some historians, it may reference the Roman tribe known as "Gens Galeria." In 1867, with a Royal Decree, the adjective "Veneta" was added to distinguish it from the homonymous municipality in the province of Bologna.

Discover the history of Galliera Veneta: monuments and curiosities in Veneto.

The history of Galliera Veneta

In Roman times, Galliera was part of the "X Regio Venetia et Histria" and was located between the centuriated agro of Cittadella to the west and the famous Via Postumia to the north.

The Republic of Venice had control of the Galliera territory since 1518, as evidenced by the villa of Galliera, called the "imperial." The ownership then passed to the Royal Demesne and was later acquired by Empress Maria Anna of Savoy, wife of Ferdinand I of Austria, in 1858. Over the years, the villa passed between various families until it was purchased by INPS, which transformed it into a sanatorium for tuberculosis patients. During World War II, the villa was requisitioned by the German military authority and today is largely used as a nursing home.

The monuments of Galliera Veneta

Galliera Veneta preserves two important places of interest: Villa Cappello, also known as the "Imperial," and the Church of St. Mary Magdalene.

The society of Galliera Veneta

In the municipality of Galliera Veneta, foreign residents amount to about 10% of the population. The most significant groups come from Romania, Albania, Morocco, Moldova, Ghana, China, and the Philippines, just to name a few.

The anthropic geography of Galliera Veneta

Galliera Veneta is divided into several fractions, including that of Mottinello, which extends between the municipalities of Galliera and Rossano Veneto. Among the places of interest, Villa Comello is very suggestive, a large stately palace with a park, acquired by the Camillian Fathers in 1926 and used until the late '70s as a seminary for the training of young priests. Since the late '80s, the villa has become a place of meeting and training for family groups, associations, and communities.

The administration of Galliera Veneta

From 1946 to today, Galliera Veneta has had several mayors from different political parties. The city is twinned with two other municipalities, one in Italy and one in Germany.

Sports in Galliera Veneta

Galliera Veneta is famous in the cycling world for the Alta Padovana Tour race, a competition reserved for the Elite category that has seen the participation of well-known cyclists who have then become professionals such as Mattia Gavazzi, Elia Viviani, and Paolo Simion.

In conclusion, Galliera Veneta is a place rich in history and culture, full of monuments and wonderful places to visit. If you have the opportunity to pass through this splendid city in Veneto, do not miss the chance to discover its beauties. I assure you that you will not regret it!

Ludovica Neri
Wrote by Ludovica Neri
Updated Thursday, Nov 3, 2022