
Hello everyone! Today I talk to you about Gallicchio, a municipality in the province of Potenza in Basilicata, Italy, which has 811 inhabitants.

Physical Geography

Gallicchio is located at 730 m above sea level in Val d'Agri, in the central-southern part of the province, and borders the municipalities of Missanello, Guardia Perticara, Armento, San Martino d'Agri, San Chirico Raparo and Roccanova.


The name is thought to have different origins, including "Gallus ictus" which means "rooster throwing", or "Calloi Ai Coi" which means "beautiful houses". The presence of the village is attested since the 3rd century BC thanks to the discovery of a coin casket in the archaeological site of Gallicchio Vetere. Currently, the village originated from the destruction of Gallicchio Vetere by the Saracens, who forced the inhabitants to take refuge in the caves of the area.

Gallicchio, a historic village in Basilicata, Italy.

In 1059 the Council of Melfi I of Melfi was celebrated, in which the structure of the clergy of Basilicata was discussed. In June 1060, the Archdiocese of Acerenza Godano entrusted Bishop Arnaldo di Tricarico with what is now the Monastery of Gallicchio, together with other nearby monasteries. Gallicchio became a municipality in 1807-1808 and participated in anti-Bourbon and Risorgimento movements.

Monuments and places of interest

Gallicchio boasts numerous churches, including the Church of SS.Maria Assunta, the Church of San Giuseppe, the Church of San Rocco and the Chapel of the Madonna del Carmelo and delle Grazie. In addition, there are also the Mazziotta Palace and the Baronial Palace.


From 1991 to 2021, Gallicchio has gone from 1130 inhabitants to 824.


Regarding administration, I suggest checking the official website of the Municipality of Gallicchio.


If you want to deepen, I suggest consulting the website of the Gallicchio Dictionary.

Other projects

There are no other projects reported for Gallicchio. I hope you enjoyed this brief description of Gallicchio!

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Saturday, Feb 5, 2022