
Welcome to Gallese!

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk to you about Gallese, a small town in Lazio with a fascinating history. This place is ideal for nature lovers, history buffs, and those who appreciate Italian tradition. Are you ready to learn more?

Welsh: nature, history and tradition in a hilly town.

Physical geography


Gallese is a hilltop town that sits on a tuff hill about 130 meters high. Surrounded by high cliffs, the town offers a spectacular panorama of the Tiber Valley and the pre-Apennine mountains between Lazio and Umbria. In the evening, you can admire one of the most beautiful sunsets in the area, when the sun sets behind Mount Cimino.


The climate of Gallese is classified as zone D, with an average of 1661 GR/G. Throughout the year, the surrounding nature and climate offer a unique experience that you'll surely never forget.

Origin of the name

Contrary to what you might think, the name Gallese has nothing to do with the Gauls, but with Greek mythology. In fact, the name is believed to be linked to the heroic legend of Aleso, son of Agamemnon, who founded the city of Falerii in southern Etruria after fleeing to Italy from Greece.


Gallese has been inhabited since the Upper Paleolithic period, as evidenced by the lithic industry artifacts found within the caves that formed spontaneously from water corrosion. In the Middle Bronze Age period, the inhabitants of the area were mainly shepherds from the Apennines, who exploited the pastures and undergrowth near the Tiber Valley to obtain food and raw materials.

In Roman times, Gallese was at the center of intense commercial traffic thanks to its location near the Tiber River and some important communication routes such as the Via Flaminia and the Via Amerina.

But the most important period in the history of Gallese is undoubtedly the Faliscan age, from the 10th century BC to the 3rd century BC. In this era, the city reached its zenith with the Faliscan civilization, largely contemporary with the Etruscan civilization.


In short, Gallese is a magical place, a small precious gem immersed in nature, and every corner of the city tells something of its ancient history. I hope I've convinced you to visit this special place; it's truly worth it!

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, Feb 13, 2022