
Exploring the Fraction of Bartesate

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Bartesate, a fraction of the Municipality of Galbiate, located south of the town center, towards Villa Vergano. This area of Lombardy has a rich history and culture that I want to share with you.

The History of Bartesate

Bartesate was an ancient municipality in the province of Milan. In 1751, it had only 120 inhabitants, but over the years it has undergone numerous administrative changes. In 1801 it was proclaimed part of the Kingdom of Italy and in 1805 the village had 202 residents. In 1927, the Municipality of Bartesate was definitively suppressed and merged with Galbiate.

Bartesate: history, attractions, and lifestyle in the Lombard countryside.

Attractions and Places to Visit

Despite being a small fraction, Bartesate has several attractions and places to visit. One of the first places to visit is the Church of S.Ippolito and S. Cassiano, which dates back to 1571. This church has a baroque-style façade and frescoes inside, as well as being completely restored in 2009.

Festivities and Events

The inhabitants of Bartesate love to celebrate parties and events, and there are several occasions to participate in them. In June, there is the Fair of S.Ippolito and S. Cassiano, a celebration where the villagers gather to eat and drink, and celebrate their community. Furthermore, in August, there is the Feast of S. Cassiano, a religious celebration where residents gather to pray and enjoy their country.

Living in Bartesate

Currently, Bartesate has about 550 inhabitants and offers its residents a peaceful lifestyle. Here you can breathe the clean air of the countryside and enjoy breathtaking views of the Prealps mountain range. There are also numerous outdoor activities such as hiking or cycling.


In summary, Bartesate is a very interesting fraction to visit and discover. With its history, attractions, and events, this village in Lombardy offers many opportunities to learn about local traditions and live an unforgettable experience. If you want to get away from the chaos of the city and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the countryside, I recommend visiting Bartesate!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Wednesday, Sep 28, 2022