Galati Mamertino

Welcome to Galati Mamertino, the city of the eagle

If you're looking for a beautiful tourist destination that offers both natural and cultural beauty, Galati Mamertino is the place for you. With its 2,271 inhabitants, this town in the metropolitan city of Messina, Sicily, will surprise you with its urban layout that resembles an eagle with outstretched wings flying northward.

A gem of the Nebrodi Park

Galati Mamertino is located in the heart of the Nebrodi Park, about 95 kilometers west of Messina and about 150 kilometers east of Palermo. Its height of 810 meters above sea level provides breathtaking views and makes it one of the "quattru paisi di li funci" along with Mirto, Frazzanò, and Longi. Agriculture plays an important role in the local economy, with hazelnut groves, olive groves, beech forests, and oak forests dominating.

Galati Mamertino: the city of the eagle between nature and culture.

A thousand-year history

The foundation of Galati Mamertino dates back to the Siculo-Greek era from Syracuse. The name Galati, from the Arabic Qal'at meaning fortress, would refer to the rock on which the village stands; the adjective Mamertino is instead related to an ancient Siculi who professed to be a descendant of the God Mars. During the Arab-Norman era, the village was a walled city with a wall surrounding it with two gates. The road to the village, since ancient times, went from the Paratore district and entered the town from the Fondaco district, where there was the only drinking water fountain (the current 'a Funtana) which had to be incorporated inside the city walls.

What to see in Galati Mamertino

Mother Church

The Church of Madonna Assunta is a jewel of the Renaissance style from the 15th century. Divided into three naves with 12 Doric columns in serena stone, it also houses works by Antonello Gagini, the Trinity group, and the Annunciation group. The chapel of San Giacomo, on the other hand, is dedicated to the Patron Saint of Galati.

Rosary Church

The Rosary Church is the oldest of all the churches in Galati Mamertino. Built around 1530, it has played the role of mother church under the name of SS. Salvatore and S. Martino before taking the definitive name of Rosary Church after the last renovation due to a fire in the 18th century. On its main altar, there is a marble statue of the Madonna delle Nevi, also by Gagini.


Galati Mamertino awaits you with its natural beauty and historical landmarks. You can walk through its medieval streets and discover the Church of Madonna Assunta and the Rosary Church, treasures of art and culture. Don't forget to taste local products such as honey from the Nebrodi Mountains and extra virgin olive oil from the Sicilian hills. We look forward to welcoming you!

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Thursday, Jan 12, 2023