Gagliano Aterno

The Municipality of Gagliano Aterno: History and Points of Interest

Gagliano Aterno is a small municipality located in the province of L'Aquila in Abruzzo, with a population of approximately 234 inhabitants. The village has an ancient history dating back to Roman times, when the Subequana valley was inhabited by the Italic population of the Peligni.

The history of the village

The first mention of a pagus named "Balianum" or "Boedinus" dates back to the late Roman era. In 1073, the castle of "Gallianum" and other territories in the valley were ceded by the Count of Marsi and Valva Teodino to the Farfa Abbey, together with the churches of San Martino and San Benedetto.

In the thirteenth century, the convent church of Santa Chiara was built, while in the following century the castle was expanded. In 1424, the village suffered the siege of the militias of Braccio da Montone, because it was a loyal ally of L'Aquila and the Angevin cause.

In the following centuries, the castle was transformed into a noble residence by the Barberini family, also due to the earthquakes of 1706 and 1915.

Gagliano Aterno: history and points of interest.

The earthquake of 2009

Following the earthquake of April 6, 2009, the village suffered several collapses and numerous injuries to private homes. Despite this, many Gaglianesi who were living in L'Aquila returned to the village to spend the reconstruction period.

The symbols of the village

The coat of arms and the banner of Gagliano Aterno were granted by decree of the President of the Republic on January 9, 2006. The banner is a yellow cloth.

Monuments and places of interest

Among the monuments and places of interest in the village, we mainly find religious architectures. In particular, the Monastery of Santa Chiara with the Bear Museum is a highly appreciated attraction by visitors.

The Monastery of Santa Chiara dates back to the thirteenth century and was donated to the Clarisses. The structure has a single nave, connected with the Clarisses monastery by three grate windows, placed on the back wall of the main altar. In 1748, the nuns' choir was renovated, creating a two-level environment, with a lower floor organized into nine rectangular bays, covered by cross vaults, supported by four pillars.

The Bear Museum, on the other hand, was designed to reconstruct the history of the brown bear, an animal that once populated the area. The exhibition path runs through four rooms, illustrating the history of the brown bear, the evolution of the village's habitat, and its social organization.


In conclusion, Gagliano Aterno is a village of ancient charm and full of history, which offers numerous points of interest, including the Monastery of Santa Chiara with the Bear Museum. Despite the difficulties caused by the 2009 earthquake, the village continues to be celebrated for its beauty and the hospitality of its communities.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Friday, Sep 9, 2022