
Welcome to Gaggiano, the happy village of Lombardy!

If you're looking for a peaceful and green place just a few steps away from Milan, Gaggiano could be your ideal destination. This municipality, crossed by the Naviglio Grande and located southwest of Milan, was awarded the title of 21st happiest village in Italy in 2014. But what makes Gaggiano such a welcoming place?

Physical geography

Gaggiano: the green and happy village of Lombardy.


The territory of Gaggiano covers 26.7 km² and is mainly flat. Thanks to its location in the South Milan Agricultural Park, most of the area is devoted to agriculture and nature conservation. Only 20% has been urbanized, making Gaggiano one of the greenest municipalities in the Milan hinterland. The Naviglio Grande, a waterway derived from the Ticino River, runs through the inhabited center of Gaggiano and was called "navigium de Gaggiano" or "Gazano" when it was built in 1177. It was then extended to Trezzano in 1233. Gaggiano also hosts Lake Boscaccio, a small artificial lake bordering Trezzano sul Naviglio.


The historical development of Gaggiano originated from the farms linked to various estates, as the most important ones became parishes with well-defined territorial jurisdiction. In the twelfth century, there were already the parishes of Fagnano (Gaggiano), Barate, Gazano, Montano, Bonirola, San Vito, Sporzano, and Vigano Certosino. In 1146, Gaggiano was mentioned in various documents relating to the lands of Girardo and Giovanni Boccardi of Milan. A certain Alberto da Gaggiano, provost of Lodi, received in 1168 the injunction to separate himself from the party of the schismatic Frederick Barbarossa. In March 1159, during an ambush against the Milanese, Emperor Barbarossa had stationed some of his allies' troops in Gaggiano. In 1274, the Carroccio of the Milanese stayed in Gaggiano while heading against the Pavesi.

In 1771, Gaggiano had 945 inhabitants, but in 1805 the number had dropped to 551 residents. In 1786, the municipality of Gaggiano was included in the Province of Pavia (Austrian Lombardy). At the beginning of the nineteenth century, there was a trend among small neighboring municipalities to merge into Gaggiano. In 1809, Bonirola was annexed, while in 1811, Barate, Cascina Donato del Conte, Fagnano (Gaggiano), San Vito (Gaggiano), and Vigano Certosino were merged, bringing the number of inhabitants to 2237. This union was annulled by the Austrians' return in 1815, but the historical process resumed over time. In 1867, Bonirola joined Gaggiano again, "because of the small population of this municipality, it couldn't maintain its autonomy".

The bond with Pope Francis

In the hamlet of Barate, located in Gaggiano's territory, Pope Francis's great-grandfather was born in 1849. This news was spread worldwide, drawing attention to the municipality of Gaggiano. Pope Francis has several times mentioned his Milanese origins, and the visit to Barate in 2017, during which he met his family, aroused great interest and curiosity.

Things to do in Gaggiano

Gaggiano offers several activities for all tastes. The Naviglio Grande is an ideal place for a walk or a bike ride, and the agricultural park is perfect for a peaceful walk in nature. Lake Boscaccio is frequented by fishermen and also offers a picnic area. For history lovers, Gaggiano's historic center has many historic buildings and monuments to discover. Don't forget to taste the typical products of local agriculture, such as the famous asparagus of Gaggiano and the wines of the territory.


Gaggiano is a welcoming and green place, ideal for spending a day away from the city's chaos. If you love nature and are interested in history, don't miss the opportunity to visit this municipality in Lombardy. Who knows, you might even meet some of Pope Francis's relatives during your visit!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Monday, Nov 7, 2022