
Hi friends,

Today I will talk to you about Furci, a municipality in Abruzzo that takes us back in time. We will discover its history, its monuments, and places of interest.


The history of Furci dates back to the Roman period, around the 1st or 2nd century AD, when coins and jewelry were found in the area. Subsequently, during the Middle Ages, Furci was granted as a fief to Odorisio, a count of Frankish origin, and from here the name of the village began to develop, which would derive from "small fortress."

There is also a legend that takes us back to the 9th century when three brothers, one from Monteodorisio, one from Furci and the other from Palmoli, joined forces to create a triangle of tower-castle to prevent Saracen raids.

Monuments and places of interest

Discover Furci: History, Monuments and Legends

Religious architecture

The main religious monument is the church of San Sabino Vescovo, located in via Cesare Battisti. Built-in stone, the church has a simple façade with a large wooden door and a circular window.

Events and curiosities

During the Risorgimento, Furci gave birth to Cesare de Horatiis, an Abruzzese revolutionary intellectual from Chieti. Also, during the post-Italian Unification Brigandage, the band of the Lisciano brigand Giuseppe Pomponio operated in Furci.

There are several legends regarding this brigand and his gang, but one of the most famous is his death near a spring, now called the "Fonte di Pomponio."

And so, friends, we come to the end of our journey through the history of Furci. A municipality of only 819 inhabitants, but that has led us to discover its secrets and its culture. Thank you for joining me on this adventure, and see you next time!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Saturday, Feb 26, 2022