
Do you know the meaning of the word "Mandrino"?

Hello friends, Today we will talk about the term "Mandrino". You have probably heard this word used in various contexts; in fact, the word "Mandrino" can be used in mechanical, medical, geographical and even sports fields.

Mandrino in Mechanics

The Mandrino in mechanics is often associated with machine tools. In this case, it is a mechanical device installed at the end of a shaft or axle, usually conical or cylindrical, inserted into a hole in a workpiece to support it during processing. An example of this application of the mandrel can be seen in the CNC milling machine, where it is used primarily to press and extract the cutting edge from the milling, as well as to "lift" the piece after processing and transfer it to the workbench.

The mandrel can also be understood as an iron rod used as a core around which material (such as metal) can be cast, molded, forged, bent, or otherwise shaped.

Discover the meaning of Mandrino in mechanics, medicine, geography, and sports.

Mandrino in Medicine

In the medical field, the term "Mandrino" is used in reference to a medical device used during intubation.

Mandrino in Geography

"Mandrino" is also the name of several hamlets in Italy. For example, one can find a hamlet called "Mandrino" in Frugarolo (AL) and another one in Vidigulfo (PV).

Mandrino in people

Finally, there are three people who bear the surname "Mandrino" and have achieved notoriety in their fields of application:


Here is a brief summary of the term "Mandrino" used in various contexts. We hope that you have been able to deepen your vocabulary and better understand the meaning of the word "Mandrino". See you next time!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Monday, Jan 16, 2023