A Look at the Province of Pordenone
The province of Pordenone, located in the northeast of Italy, was part of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. It was established in 1968 as an independent entity after being separated from the province of Udine. The territory consisted of some hilly areas, Friulian plains, and parts of the Carnic Prealps.
Physical geography
The province bordered to the north and northeast with Carnia, to the east with the province of Udine, and to the west and south with Veneto. It was surrounded by beautiful hills, whose landscape was characterized by the hills of San Colombano and Preone. The province had lush valleys and mountains, such as Val d'Arzino, Val Cosa, Val Tramontina, Val Colvera, Val Cellina, Val Cimoliana, Val Settimana, Valle del Vajont, and Val Zemola.

Hydrography and environment
Within the province, there were numerous rivers and lakes, such as the Tagliamento, Livenza, Cellina, Meduna, and Noncello. The province was considered an eco-friendly area, thanks to its biodiversity and natural richness. The presence of natural parks such as the Friulian Dolomites and natural reserves such as the Prescudin forest and the Cellina gorge makes the province of Pordenone an ideal destination for nature lovers.
The province has a long history dating back many years. In 1964, the Pordenone district was created within the province of Udine. In 1968, Pordenone was inaugurated as the capital of the new province and was supposed to use the license plate "PO". However, the Secretary of Prato took the train to convince the provincial capital to choose another plate because the use of PO had already been adopted by another province. The city council of Pordenone opted for the solution PN, the acronym for "Portus Naonis", the ancient Latin name of the city.
Although it is no longer an administrative entity since 2017, the province of Pordenone has left a rich natural and cultural heritage. Summer holidays in Piancavallo, a walk in the Sequals bog, a visit to the Green Caves of Pradis, and tasting local wines are just some of the unforgettable experiences that can be had in this area. Anyone who wants to admire breathtaking landscapes, take a relaxing walk, or explore local history and culture must make their vacation in the province of Pordenone.