
Welcome to Frignano, the municipality in the Agro Aversano of Campania!

Frignano is a small municipality in the province of Caserta with 8,847 inhabitants. Its name probably derives from "Furinius" or "Forum Iani", and the village was founded in the 1st century BC. Its location along the Gromatica Road and the presence of important religious monuments make it a place of great historical and cultural interest.

Let's discover the history of Frignano.

The city was founded in the 1st century BC, as evidenced by its name and geographical location. Throughout the centuries, Frignano has been the subject of conquests and wars, such as the battle between Landone II the Younger and Paldone Rapinato. During the Lombard and Norman periods, Frignano is mentioned several times in historical documents.

Frignano: History, monuments and religious traditions in Campania.

Monuments and places of interest.

Frignano is rich in religious monuments that make it a popular tourist destination. Among the main churches in the municipality are the Church of the Blessed Virgin of Pompeii, the Church of the Crowned, the Church of Maria SS. dell'Arco, and the Church of Saints Nazario and Celso.

The society of Frignano.

In recent years, the population of Frignano has slightly increased and stabilized around 8,900 inhabitants. The city has a great love for religion, with Saints Nazario and Celso as patrons and the central church dedicated to their glory. The patronal festival is held on July 28th and 29th and is characterized by the procession with the saints' statue through the center's streets.


The Frignano administration deals with many issues, including waste collection, maintenance of roads and public parks, and management of schools. The municipality regularly holds meetings to discuss the main electoral issues of the territory.

Let's conclude on a high note.

So far, we have discovered that Frignano is a small city with a very important historical legacy. The city is rich in churches and monuments, and its population is proud of its religious traditions. In addition, the Frignano administration does its best to improve the quality of life for its citizens. We invite you to organize a visit to Frignano to discover for yourself how interesting this city has to offer!

Camilla Ricci
Wrote by Camilla Ricci
Updated Monday, Aug 29, 2022