

Hello everyone! Today we will be talking about the diocese of Avellino, one of the dioceses of the Catholic Church in Italy. We are very excited to explore this wonderful area and learn some interesting facts about its history and territorial division.


The diocese of Avellino is located in the ecclesiastical region of Campania and comprises the city of Avellino and many surrounding municipalities such as Atripalda, Candida, Fontanarosa, and Montefredane. The territory covers an area of 441 square kilometers and has 66 parishes, grouped into 6 deaneries. The episcopal see is located in the city of Avellino and its cathedral, the Cathedral of Avellino, is situated within it.

The Diocese of Avellino: History, Territory and Activities.


The presence of Christianity in the territory of Avellino dates back to the time of the emperor Diocletian, when Christians were persecuted. During this period, the Ecclesia of Abellinum organized itself strongly and spread throughout the area thanks to the presence of several consular roads. The diocese of Avellino was historically attested only towards the end of the 5th century with the bishop Timoteo, who participated in the Council of Rome convened by Pope Simmaco in 499.

The Bishop

The current bishop of the diocese of Avellino is Arturo Aiello, who took office in 2012 after the resignation of the previous bishop Aldo Cavalli. In addition to his responsibilities as the spiritual leader of the diocese, the bishop also has an important role in the management of social and cultural activities within the community.

Activities of the Diocese

The diocese of Avellino carries out various activities in support of the community, such as the organization of cultural events and the management of parishes and communities. Additionally, the diocese is also involved in philanthropic works and provides assistance and support to the most vulnerable members of society, such as the sick and the elderly.


The diocese of Avellino is a very active and important community of the Catholic Church in Italy, offering numerous services and activities to its community. We hope that this brief introduction has helped you appreciate this wonderful part of our country a little more. Thank you for reading!

Francesco Serra
Updated Monday, Mar 14, 2022