
Fresonara: a small town in Piedmont

Hello everyone, today I want to talk to you about Fresonara, a town with 660 inhabitants located in the province of Alessandria, in Piedmont. The name is quite peculiar, and there seem to be various hypotheses about its origin. According to the most widespread one, it would derive from "Frassinaria", due to the presence of extensive ash forests in the area. However, there are also other theories, such as the existence of a Saracen fortress or the origin from the name of a Roman family called Fresus.

A brief history of Fresonara

Fresonara has an interesting history, which has seen the territory pass through different ownership. In 969, Queen Adelaide of Burgundy and Emperor Otto I of Saxony donated the place to the San Salvatore monastery of Pavia, with the name of "Frisinaria". Later, in 1179, Fresonara came under the protection of the municipality of Alessandria. Later, it had its period under the control of Facino Cane, who entrusted the fief to Domenico Trotti and Rizzo dal Pozzo. In 1404, the two lieutenants rebelled against Facino Cane, but he reacted by destroying the village and the castle. The territory then became part of the Duchy of Milan, before becoming part of the Savoy possessions in the 18th century.

Fresonara: a small Piedmontese town of history and beauty.

Society in Fresonara

Coming to the current situation, the demographic evolution of Fresonara has been rather stable in recent years, with a population of about 660 people. Life in the village is quiet and peaceful, making it perfect for those looking for some peace and relaxation.

Administration in Fresonara

Regarding the administration, Fresonara has seen the succession of different municipal councils. If you are interested, you can find all the detailed information in the table on the official website of the municipality.

The image gallery of Fresonara

Finally, I leave you with some photos of Fresonara. In the gallery, you can admire the town hall of the municipality, the Church of the Nativity of Mary, its central nave, and the bell tower. I hope the images give you an idea of how beautiful and welcoming Fresonara is.


Unfortunately, no notes are available on Fresonara.

Other projects

If you want to deepen your knowledge of Fresonara, you can consult the official website of the municipality. There you will find information on the territory, administration, school, and many other things.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Sunday, Feb 13, 2022