
The province of Chieti: a journey through mountains, valleys and sea

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the province of Chieti, a wonderful land in Abruzzo rich in unique landscapes. With its inhabitants, the province of Chieti is the most populated in the Abruzzo region and extends over an area of ​​over 2000 square kilometers, including 104 municipalities.

Physical geography

The territory of the province of Chieti is characterized by a predominantly hilly and mountainous morphology, with an orography that varies significantly depending on the area. In the northern part of the territory, the landscape is more rugged and uninhabited, while in the southern portion it is softer and less impervious, with numerous small scattered settlements.

In the province, there are several parallel valleys, crossed by watercourses of various sizes, such as the Alento, Aterno-Pescara, Aventino, Sangro, Foro, Sinello, and Trigno. Much of the flat territory consists of the coastal plain and valleys, including the Aterno-Pescara and the Val di Sangro. Furthermore, the province of Chieti is characterized by the presence of much of the Maiella massif, the second-highest mountain in the Apennines.

The journey through mountains, valleys and sea of the province of Chieti.


As anticipated, the Maiella represents the highest point in the province of Chieti, with its 2793 meters of height. In this area, there are 61 mountains and 75 diversified hills, making the morphology of the territory extremely varied.

The Maiella, like many other limestone massifs, is characterized by the presence of karst phenomena and consequently, is poor in surface waters. Meteoric waters, in fact, reappear downstream giving rise to springs that sometimes reach impressive dimensions such as those of the Verde river, in Fara San Martino. On the eastern side, the massif is cut by gorges and valleys, while to the west, it is rather homogeneous and characterized by a single incision, the Macchia di Caramanico.


The territory of the province of Chieti is very rich in water resources, thanks to the karst phenomena of the mountains and, in particular, of the Maiella. Despite the abundance of underground water, there are many surface watercourses in the province, among which the main ones are the Aterno-Pescara, the Sangro and the Trigno, the Alento, the Aventino, the Foro, and the Sinello.


The province of Chieti is certainly one of the most beautiful in our country, thanks to its unique landscapes and varied and fascinating orography. Crossed by rivers and bordered by the Adriatic Sea, this land can offer many opportunities for leisure and excursions, both for mountain and sea lovers. I hope that this short virtual journey has intrigued you and I invite you to discover in person the beauty of the province of Chieti!

Elisa Lombardi
Updated Thursday, Mar 31, 2022