Frasso Sabino

Welcome to Frasso Sabino!

Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about a small town in the province of Rieti, in Lazio: Frasso Sabino, also known as "U Fràssu" in Sabine dialect. With its 729 inhabitants, Frasso Sabino is a charming town located 412 meters above sea level, surrounded by the beautiful Sabine mountains and crossed by the source of the Farfa River.

The physical geography of Frasso Sabino

The municipal territory of Frasso Sabino is characterized by the presence of the Farfa River, which originates in this area, in the locality of Le Capore. Here, you can find the sources of the river, also called Fabaris di Virgilio or Farfar, which represent a true pearl of natural beauty. In addition, the town is located in an area classified as zone E, with a cool and dry climate that makes it very popular during the summer months.

Frasso Sabino: a town among the Sabine mountains.

The history of Frasso Sabino

The history of Frasso Sabino would date back to the Farfa Abbey, first recorded in 955, where the lands of the village ''ad Frassum'' were donated to the famous abbey. Later in the 11th century, the castle passed into the hands of the Brancaleoni family and then became the property of the Sforza Cesarini, who are still connected to this territory today. Finally, at the end of the papal rule, Frasso Sabino was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy.

The monuments and places of interest in Frasso Sabino

As for the monuments and places of interest in Frasso Sabino, one to definitely visit is the Sforza Cesarini castle, recently renovated and used for private residences. In the summer, however, it becomes the stage for the "Frasso in Musica" event, a very beautiful and appreciated music concert throughout the province of Rieti.

Furthermore, in the area of ​​the municipal territory, there are three Roman tombs, locally called "i Torracci". The most interesting of all, however, is certainly the Grotta dei Massacci, a large monumental tomb located in the fraction of Osteria Nuova, Lazio Region. Finally, the Grotta dei Massacci is an ancient burial monument built with large blocks of limestone without the use of mortar or binding agents. This area is attributed to the landowner family of the Bruttii Praesentes.


In conclusion, Frasso Sabino is a very fascinating municipality for its beauty: a quiet place, surrounded by the Sabine mountains and crossed by the Farfa River, with the presence of various monuments and places of historical and cultural interest. If you are in the province of Rieti, you cannot miss a visit to this small pearl of Lazio!

Giulia Rizzo
Wrote by Giulia Rizzo
Updated Monday, Jan 30, 2023