
A trip to Frassino

Hello friends! I recently took a trip to one of the most beautiful municipalities in the province of Cuneo, Piedmont: Frassino! I decided to share some information with you about this splendid place.

Physical geography

The territory of Frassino extends on both sides of the Valle Varaita. The capital is located in the center of the valley, between the mountains of Monte Birrone and Monte Ricordone. Much of the town has developed halfway up the mountain, with the capital in a higher position than the riverbed. One of the interesting features of the area is the presence of a steep slope to the north and a gentler one facing south. On the upslope, there are extensive high-altitude pastures.

Ash: a charming treasure among the Piedmontese mountains.


Frassino has a long history dating back to Roman times. In 1172 it became part of the Marquisate of Saluzzo, and then came under the rule of the House of Savoy in 1589. In the 19th century, the town was hit by a tragedy when an avalanche destroyed three hamlets and caused the death of 80 people. Today, a cross placed on Monte Ricordone commemorates that terrible event.


Frassino is located in a region where Occitan is still spoken. The most typical event held every four years is the Baìo de San Morisi. There are numerous religious buildings that testify to the faith of the valley dwellers. The Parish of Santo Stefano in the town center and the Sanctuary of the Madonna degli Angeli are two places of great interest for tourism. A Museum of Masons is being created to preserve the memory of the village's traditional activity.


Historically, Frassino has always had an agricultural economy. Recently, there has been a modest influx of tourism, with the opening of some lodging and dining facilities. The crafts activity present in the area is mainly based on wood processing.


Frassino is a charming place surrounded by mountains. You can enjoy an authentic experience by meeting the local population, tasting their traditional cuisine, and visiting the places of historical and cultural interest. If you're looking for a place to relax and enjoy nature, Frassino is the right place for you!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022