
Discovering Frascati

If you want to discover a welcoming and characterful small town, you absolutely must visit Frascati! Located on the Alban Hills, just 20 kilometers from Rome, Frascati is the ideal community for those who love nature, history, and good cuisine. Let's explore together its secrets and wonders!

Frascati: Nature, history and good cuisine in Lazio.

Physical Geography


Frascati is located at an altitude of 326 meters above sea level and is dominated by the presence of Mount Tuscolo, crossed by the Tuscolana road. The town is surrounded by the municipalities of Grottaferrata and Monte Porzio Catone, and part of its territory is included in the Regional Park of the Roman Castles.


Frascati has a Mediterranean climate with hot and dry summers and mild and rainy winters. The temperatures are generally lower than in Rome, thanks to the altitude and lower presence of atmospheric pollution. The rainfall is a bit scarce due to the phenomenon of the stau, but still sufficient to keep the area green and lush.


Ancient Peoples

Frascati's territory dates back to the Lower Paleolithic, and the first evidence of human settlements dates back to that time. Later, the area was colonized by the Latins, a group of Indo-European origin. During the Roman period, Frascati belonged to the patrician family and was enriched with splendid monumental architecture still visible today.

The Middle Ages

The barbarian invasions that shook the Italian peninsula led to the phenomenon of castling, namely the population's refuge on the heights to protect themselves from barbaric raids. It was in this context that the famous Roman Castles arose, including Frascati.

The Modern Era

During the modern era, Frascati was chosen as a place of residence for the Roman nobility, who built magnificent villas here. In this period, the town also became famous for the production of white wine, the famous Frascati DOC.


The Historic Center

Frascati's historic center is a jewel of art and culture. Here you can admire the Church of San Pietro, the beautiful Piazza Marconi, and the Episcopal Palace, a magnificent example of Baroque architecture.

The Villas

Frascati is famous for its villas, built by noble Roman families from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Among the most important, I recommend visiting Villa Aldobrandini and Villa Torlonia.

The Frascati DOC

The production of white wine has always been the pride of the Frascatans. I recommend a visit to the Fontana Candida cellars, one of the most famous brands in Italy and the world. Here you can taste the famous Frascati DOC, a wine with a unique and unmistakable taste.

The Castelli Romani Park

Frascati's territory is located inside the Castelli Romani Park, a green oasis of over 15,000 hectares of forests, vineyards, and pastures. You can take long walks or bike rides, admire the splendid panoramic view of Rome, and enjoy one of the most beautiful natural landscapes in Lazio.

Typical Cuisine

You can't come to Frascati without tasting its typical food! Among the most famous dishes, I recommend porchetta, spaghetti alla carbonara, coda alla vaccinara, and white pizza. And to finish with sweetness, don't forget to try the famous wine donuts!

In summary, Frascati is a city that will win you over with its ancient charm and relaxing atmosphere. Perfect for a day trip or a vacation to discover the Lazio territory. Come visit Frascati, and you won't be disappointed!

Martina Moretti
Updated Tuesday, Jan 17, 2023