Fragneto Monforte

Discovering Fragneto Monforte

If you're looking for a peaceful place surrounded by nature, Fragneto Monforte might be the perfect choice for you. Located in the province of Benevento, in the Campania region, Fragneto is a small town with 1679 inhabitants, situated at the foot of the Toppa Barrata hill, between the Tammaro and Calore Irpino rivers.

Physical Geography

The hilly landscape in front of Fragneto Monforte is breathtaking and offers unforgettable panoramic views. There are numerous paths and communication routes that cross the territory, allowing you to fully enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds the town.

The area is classified as seismic grade I, and is part of the Titerno and Alto Tammaro mountain community. The agricultural region n. 4 "Lower Irpinian Calore Hills" makes it a reference point for the production of typical products of the area.

Fragneto Monforte: between history and nature

Origin of the name

The name Fragneto Monforte has its roots in the history of ancient Beneventum, as a place of passage between the different populations that inhabited it. There is a theory that the name goes back to the "fara of Gnito", the warrior who settled in the area after the Longobards conquered Benevento. Other sources trace the origin of the name to the Latin term "farneus", which indicates a particular type of oak tree that grew in the area.

The specific Monforte, on the other hand, owes its origin to Bartolomeo da Monteforte, one of the first feudal lords of the territory. The name was added to differentiate the town from Fragneto l'Abate, located nearby.



The hill of Fragneto Monforte has been a strategic point for the different populations that settled in Sannio. Samnites, Romans, Goths, Byzantines, Saracens, Longobards, and Normans left traces of their presence through history. In the ninth century, some merchants and artisans settled in the area, starting its flourishing economy. The cult of San Nicola, the patron saint of the town, was introduced by devotees who settled there. Even today, the religious traditions related to the festival of San Nicola are deeply rooted in the community.

The Ducal Palace

Over time, the construction of the Ducal Palace became the center of the Fragneto Monforte fiefdom. The construction of the Palace is dated around the year 1000, while in 1113 Rodolfo Pinello became its lord, of the county of Ariano. Despite the castle's plundering by Roger II of Sicily in 1138, the prestige of the fiefdom and the Ducal Palace had a predominant role in the history of the region until today.


Fragneto Monforte's history, culture, and natural beauty make it a unique and fascinating place to visit. If you're looking for a place to immerse yourself in tranquility and nature, this Campanian town might be the ideal solution.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Monday, Mar 7, 2022