
Discovering Fragagnano

A thriving locality

Fragagnano is a town located in Puglia, in the province of Taranto, and is home to several thousand inhabitants. It is situated in the central part of the Ionian province and is located within the Taranto Murge, a hilly area that extends from Salento to the border between Taranto and Lecce. Fragagnano is an agricultural town where the cultivation of grapes and olives are the main activities. The climate of the town is characterized by high humidity typical of the Salento, and summer temperatures can become very hot. The winter season is mild and snow is a rare event.

Fragagnano: history, culture and food and wine.

The geography of Fragagnano

The territory of Fragagnano extends over a vast area and is full of elements of rare beauty. The most common vegetation is Mediterranean, but there are also small farms and cultivated fields that adorn the countryside. There are numerous small plots of land, separated by small dry stone walls, stone constructions and even pagghiare, similar to small Sardinian nuraghi.

The history of Fragagnano

Fragagnano is a town that dates back to the origins of the Neolithic period, about 5000 years ago. Evidence of this statement has been found in archaeological finds at the Santa Sofia site, now included in the inhabited center. Around the fifteenth century, the small village became a principal locality of the County of Montescaglioso, an area between Puglia and Basilicata. Later, in 1806, the municipality of Fragagnano became part of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.

The monuments of Fragagnano

The municipality of Fragagnano is famous for being a place rich in culture and traditions. In particular, among the most important places of interest in the town, we can include the noble mansion of Angarano (now used for cultural events), the mother church dedicated to the patron saint, St. Nicholas, and the statue of Christ the King, located on a hill near the city center.

The cuisine of Fragagnano

Fragagnano boasts a famous culinary expression, especially regarding the early crops grown in the area, including olives (from which excellent olive oil is obtained), prickly pears and vines (which produce Primitivo, Malvasia and other wines). Among the typical dishes, we remember the pasticciotto ('mbuccunatu), a kind of shortcrust pastry filled with ricotta, sugar and sweet rice pastiera.


In summary, Fragagnano is a place where history, culture and gastronomy blend together to create a unique experience. Among the Murge hills, olive and vine fields, ancient settlements and artistic treasures, the Salento town will leave you with an indelible memory. A visit to Fragagnano is a unique opportunity to discover a secret corner of Italy, to savor its cuisine and admire the beauty of the nature surrounding the town.

Erica Ferrari
Wrote by Erica Ferrari
Updated Friday, Jan 6, 2023