
Discovering Fraconalto: from the Middle Ages to today

Fraconalto is a municipality of 324 inhabitants located in the province of Alessandria, in Piedmont, Italy. The village is situated on the Ligurian Apennines, near the Bocchetta Pass, at the foot of Mount Leco and Mount Porale. In this article, we will explore the history of Fraconalto, from its emergence along the Postumia road in the 10th century, to the modern era, where it lost importance.

Ancient history

Until 1927, the village was known as Fiaccone and was called "Flaconum" in medieval documents. Fiaccone is located along the Postumia road, which crossed the ridges from the Bocchetta to Mount Poggio. This road was highly strategic because it connected the Oltregiogo through the Bocchetta Pass with the Ligurian Riviera, leading to Genoa. Fiaccone was an important fortified place on this route.

In 1121, Fiaccone became part of the Republic of Genoa after a military campaign that ensured Genoa's dominion over the Oltregiogo. From this moment on, Fraconalto assumed a fundamental function for the defense of military and trade routes to and from the Po Valley.

The importance of local fortifications, Castello Alliano and Castello di Fraconalto, is highlighted by the strengthening of the castle of Fraconalto in 1161 and the restoration of that of Reste in 1436. In 1155, the Republic of Genoa entrusted Fiaccone in fiefdom to the Visconti and Fornari families.

Fraconalto: history and beauty on the slopes of the Ligurian Apennines.

Fraconalto in the following centuries

In 1255, Fiaccone passed from the diocese of Tortona to the archdiocese of Genoa, to which it still belongs. In 1536, Emperor Charles VI confirmed the possession "of the territories of the Oltre Giogo" to the Republic of Genoa, and in 1544, the Republic approved the "Liberi Statuti" of the "Sudditi Fidelissimi" of Fiaccone. These statutes provided that the local community elected its own consuls, who then provided for local administration without interventions from the government of the Republic, except for serious reasons.

Fraconalto lost importance after the construction in 1585 of the new pass road of the ancient "salt road", which ran along the valley floor. This new route was then called Via Cambiagia, after the name of the Doge (Republic of Genoa) of the Republic of Genoa, Giovanni Battista Cambiaso.

Fraconalto today

Today, Fraconalto maintains strong ties with Genoa and is part of the Regional Park of Capanne di Marcarolo. Together with Voltaggio, the village is one of the most "Ligurian" municipalities of the Province of Alessandria.

Fraconalto is a small village that encloses a great historical and cultural heritage. Visitors can admire the Castle of Fraconalto, located in the historic center of the village, and the church of San Giovanni Battista, dating back to the 15th century. The surrounding landscape also offers numerous opportunities for hiking, trekking, and mountain biking.

In summary, Fraconalto is a village that has maintained its medieval charm and historical importance. The beauty of the surrounding landscape and the presence of the Regional Park of Capanne di Marcarolo make it a perfect place for those who want to spend time in peace and in contact with nature.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022