
Greetings to Fossano

Hello everyone! Today we are going to talk about Fossano, a town in the province of Cuneo in Piedmont, Italy, with a population of 24,559. This town is located on a hill adjacent to the Stura di Demonte river, south of the city of Turin. Let me give you a guided tour of this city, starting with its physical geography.

Physical Geography

Fossano is a charming town located on a hill, as noted by Canon Pietro Paserio, author of the book "Historical notes on the city of Fossano" in the 1800s. The hill offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Standing on the hill, you can admire the Stura di Demonte river that runs below, giving the place a sense of peace and serenity.

Fossano: a charming city on the hill.


The territory of Fossano is rich in ditches and hollows. This is the result of its geographical position on the hill. However, this contributes to giving the city its unique charm and variability in geography. Its landscape has been described as charming and enjoyable to the eye.


The climate of Fossano is in line with that of the temperate continental climate, with cool temperatures all year round, with maximum peaks of 30 degrees in summer and minimum peaks of 1 degree below zero in winter.

Origins of the Name

The name Fossano may derive from different historical appellations. The first is locus or fundus faucianus, from the Roman personal name Faucius, which was transformed over time into Fossano. Another theory suggests that the name derives from the word fossato or fossà in Piedmontese, indicating the geographical feature of the city consisting of ditches and hollows. Finally, another alternative explanation is that the name derives from "fons sana", which means healthy source, referring to the presence of a source of drinking water near the city.


The city of Fossano boasts a very interesting history, dating back to pre-Roman times, as demonstrated by the recent findings of fragments. Nevertheless, the founding of the city dates back only to 1236, when a league of Guelf cities was formed to fight the city of Asti. Later, the city passed to the Marquisate of Saluzzo and the sphere of influence of Prince Philip I of Savoy-Acaia.

The Castle of the Princes of Acaja is one of the highlights of the city, and is a symbol of its rich history. Built in 1324, the castle stands as a proud monument to the glorious past of the city. Recently, the restoration of the flooring of the Duomo of Fossano uncovered numerous remains of historical stratifications that could change the vision of the city, dating it even back to the Roman era.

Fossano has faced difficulties throughout its history, as have other cities in Italy. In 1521, the city was hit by a terrible plague that affected many people. However, the city managed to overcome this difficulty and find its way forward.


In conclusion, Fossano is a charming Italian city that has a lot to offer its visitors. Its ancient history, cool climate, and unique geographical location are just a few of the reasons why it's worth visiting this city. I hope you enjoyed my guided tour and that this overview of Fossano was helpful. Thank you for reading!

Irene Mariani
Wrote by Irene Mariani
Updated Thursday, May 19, 2022