Forni di Sotto

Forni di Sotto: a small town surrounded by mountains

Dear readers, today I will tell you about a beautiful town located in Friuli-Venezia Giulia: Forni di Sotto. With its 550 inhabitants, Forni di Sotto is located at an altitude of 777 meters, surrounded by the mountains of the upper Val Tagliamento, in Carnia. The territory of the town extends between two mountain ranges in an east-west direction and includes the Natural Park of the Friulian Dolomites.

The history of Forni di Sotto

The history of Forni di Sotto begins in pre-Roman times, when the territory was inhabited by Gallo-Celtic peoples. In 778, the town is mentioned for the first time in a document, but it is not known with certainty to which of the Forni (Forni di Sotto or Forni di Sopra) it refers. Over the centuries, the two towns had many controversies regarding the pre-eminence of their respective churches, even reaching a long dispute that was only resolved in the fifteenth century. The fiefdom of Forni di Sotto passed to the Friulian family of the Savorgnan in 1326, maintaining it until 1797, the year of the fall of the Republic of Venice. After becoming part of the possessions of the Habsburgs, Forni di Sotto returned to Italy in 1866, at the end of the Third Italian War of Independence. The most painful page in the history of this town dates back to May 26th, 1944, when the troops of the Wehrmacht and the Italian Social Republic razed the village to the ground, completely burning it.

Forni di Sotto: between history, nature and hospitality.

Today: the rebirth of Forni di Sotto

Dear friends, after the terrible destruction suffered during the Second World War, Forni di Sotto was reborn from the ashes. This small town is now a completely new place, where the only traces of the past are the nineteenth-century fountains present in the areas of Tredolo, Baselia, and Vico.

The Cammino delle Pievi

Dear readers, if you haven't already, I recommend taking a walk on the "eighth stage" of the Cammino delle Pievi, which passes right through Forni di Sotto. The Cammino delle Pievi is a tourist-cultural route that connects the eleven ancient parish churches in Carnia. This stage will take you to the Church of Santa Maria del Rosario, one of the most important parish churches in the area.

Nature and breathtaking landscapes

Dear friends, if you love hiking and outdoor sports, Forni di Sotto is the right place for you. The surrounding area is rich in trails that will take you to discover breathtaking views, including the Monte Bìvera, Monte Zauf, and Monte Tinisa to the north, and the Monte Pramaggiore, Monte Chiarescons, and Cimon di Agar to the south. If you prefer quieter activities, the town also offers playgrounds and picnic areas for families with children.

The hospitality of Forni di Sotto

Dear readers, if you decide to visit Forni di Sotto, don't miss out on trying the delicious local cuisine and tasting typical products of the area, such as the famous Montasio cheese and artisanal chocolate. Additionally, the residents of Forni di Sotto are known for their hospitality and will be happy to welcome you and show you the beauties of their town.

In conclusion, dear friends, if you are looking for a destination for a relaxing vacation immersed in nature and history, Forni di Sotto is the right choice for you. We await you with our breathtaking landscapes, our culture, and our hospitality!

Andrea Giordano
Updated Monday, Jul 4, 2022