
Magreta: a historic community near Modena

Dear readers, today I will talk to you about Magreta, a hamlet of the municipality of Formigine, in the province of Modena. With a population of 4505 inhabitants, Magreta is located in the foothills of the province and is part of the Modenese Ceramics District. The area is famous for Parmigiano-Reggiano and Balsamic Vinegar of Modena.

The physical geography of Magreta

Magreta is located 12 km from Modena, 23 km from Reggio Emilia and 61 km from Bologna. It is crossed by the provincial road Sp 15 which starts in Sassuolo and ends on the state road 9 Via Emilia. The motorway exit Autostrada A1 (Italia)-Autostrada A22 (Italia) is only 11 km away from the town center.

Magreta: History, Monuments and Cuisine of the Community near Modena

The history of Magreta

Magreta has a history dating back to the 9th century. The Da Magreda family lived here and was interested in the politics and affairs of Modena. In the 11th century, there were rivalries with Reggio Emilia regarding the division of water from the Secchia river. In 1191, Cacciaguerra Da Magreda and his brother Guido took an oath and became lords of Sassuolo. The Da Magredas also sold their castle to Nicolò III d'Este, who gave it to his daughter Margherita. Currently, the castle walls exist underground at the oratory of Santa Maddalena di Canossa. A fresco depicting the castle of Magreta is present in the castle of Fiorano Modenese.

During the renovation of the parish church, medieval artifacts and objects, and a skeleton belonging to don Ludovico Antonio Bartolamasi, rector of the Church, were discovered.

The monuments of Magreta

Among the main monuments of Magreta, there is the parish church dedicated to the Nativity of Mary, the oratory of Santa Maddalena di Canossa which preserves part of the castle walls, the Colombarone tower dating back to the Middle Ages, the chapel dedicated to Saint Gaetano da Thiene, the Tabina chapel, Villa Carbonieri, Villa Palmieri, and Villa Poli.

A beautiful example of religious architecture from the 16th century can be found in the 18th-century oratory dedicated to Faustino and Giovita, which represents the first church of Magreta, burned by Spanish soldiers in the 16th century.

What the community of Magreta offers

Magreta always offers something to do! Like every community, the city organizes events throughout the year. Among the main events, we have the Sagra di San Bernardino, the patronal festival dedicated to San Bernardino da Siena, held on the first weekend of June. The Birra Fest, organized in the festival area of Magreta, attracts visitors from all over the province. Finally, the Antique Market, which takes place on the third weekend of every month and offers a wide range of antique products.

Magreta is also famous for its delicious cuisine. Among the local specialties, we have stuffed pasta, crescentine, and bean soup. There are also several restaurants where you can taste these delicacies.


In summary, Magreta is a community that boasts a fascinating history and a solid cultural heritage. Thanks to the presence of monuments and churches, tourists can better understand the area and enjoy a panoramic view of the foothills. Along with annual events and good food, Magreta is a destination not to be missed!

Martina Caruso
Updated Wednesday, Jan 25, 2023