
Welcome to the Province of Belluno!

Hello everyone! Today, I'll be telling you about the Province of Belluno, a stunning mountainous area located in the Veneto region of northeastern Italy. This is where the famous Dolomites are, making the area truly unique. The province of Belluno has a population of about 197,910 people and is predominantly mountainous, extending across thousands of hectares.

Quality of Life

The Province of Belluno has received significant recognition for its high quality of life in recent years. According to research by Il Sole 24 Ore, the area ranked first among Italian provinces in 2009, and repeated this achievement in 2017, improving on its second and fourth-place rankings in 2008 and 2007, respectively. In 2017, the province ranked third in the overall quality of life ranking for Italian provinces, following Bolzano and Trento.

Belluno Province: nature, history and high quality of life


The Province of Belluno has an ancient history, dating back to the 5th century BCE. In the mountainous territory of Calalzo, there is an ancient Venetian site with the remains of a healing deity's sanctuary. Another larger site is located in Mel, where the Mel Necropolis was continuously used by ancient Venetians from the 8th century BCE to the 5th century BCE.


The first settlements in the Belluno area were pre-Roman, consisting of small, unstable centers. Then the Veneti, Indo-European Italics who were influenced by Celtic culture, settled in the area. The Celts were later expelled by the Romans, who dominated the entire Bellunese region starting in 181 BCE. After a period of conquests and power transitions, stability was reached with the death of Theoderic the Great. The Ezzelini family played a significant role in the territory between the 11th and 13th centuries.


The Province of Belluno is a uniquely mountainous area with a rich ancient history, making it one of the most fascinating places in Veneto. Recognized for its high quality of life, the area is loved by those who appreciate the beauty of nature and the historical culture of the Venetians and Romans. I hope this brief journey into the past and present of the Province of Belluno has fascinated you as it has me!

Alessandro Romano
Updated Friday, Feb 18, 2022