
Welcome to Fontecchio: discovering the history of this characteristic Abruzzo village

If you are looking for a place to dive into history and nature, we recommend visiting Fontecchio, a small village in the province of L'Aquila, Abruzzo. With its 285 inhabitants and its location in the Aterno valley, this small town belongs to the Sirentina Mountain Community and the Sirente-Velino Regional Nature Park.

An ancient and legendary history

The town of Fontecchio has its roots in the era of the Italic peoples, when the Aterno valley was inhabited by different populations such as the Vestini, the Samnites, the Marsi, and the Peligni. Over the centuries, many traces of past civilizations have been found in various archaeological sites such as "Il Castellone" and "Monte San Pio." Additionally, not far from Monte San Pio, an ancient Roman road called "Iter Superequum" ran through Castellone, passing through Opi and Peltuinum.

Fontecchio: History and Nature in an Abruzzese Village.

The territory of Fontecchio during Roman times

The architectural landmarks of the Roman era visible in different parts of Fontecchio demonstrate the importance of this territory during ancient times. The foundation of the temple dedicated to Jupiter was later built to become the Church of Maria. The church also preserves an inscription that bears the name of the "Aufigenates," an ancient Vestine population. In the courtyard of Palazzo Corvi, we find a cistern and a corner tower, and we can see the brick pavement arranged in herringbone behind the apse of the Church of San Francesco. These findings testify to the importance of this Castrum, which was subject to legends, such as the "Mountain of Pilate," associated with San Pio.

The Fusion of Villages

The villages of San Giovanni, San Pietro, Sant'Arcangelo, San Felice, and "Fons Tichiae" merged around the eleventh century, giving birth to the "Castrum Fonticulanum." Initially, these small realities each maintained their own church, but in 1080-1095, they founded the common parish of Santa Maria della Pace, which is still the parish seat of the village today. The Aterno valley was infested by barbarian invasions, which forced the inhabitants to gather in this place to maintain their security.

A vacation immersed in history and nature

Today, Fontecchio is an ideal place if you seek peace and tranquility. Here, you can take beautiful walks to discover the history of the place, hike in nature, and admire archaeological sites of great value. You can also visit the Sirente-Velino Regional Nature Park, which is just a few kilometers away, and experience local cuisine in the restaurants of the village. Additionally, in the summer, there are several festivals and fairs that take place in the streets of the town, offering the opportunity to get to know local traditions.

If you decide to come here, you won't regret it: Fontecchio is a small treasure of history and nature that will take you back in time.

Simone Costa
Wrote by Simone Costa
Updated Friday, May 20, 2022