
Welcome to Fontanile!

Hello everyone! Today I will talk to you about the municipality of Fontanile, a small Piedmontese town located in the province of Asti, in Italy. Fontanile is home to 551 people and has a fascinating history rich in events.


Historians believe that the town may have been founded between the 4th and 5th centuries when valley inhabitants were forced to retreat to high places to protect themselves from barbarian invasions. The name of the town first appears in a document from 1042 as "Fontinalis". Later, the name underwent some variations until reaching the current "Fontanile", which means "land rich in springs".

Fontanile: History and Beauty of a Piedmontese Village

The construction of the Villa

In the first half of the 10th century, the town was plundered by the Saracens, and subsequently, from 950, the construction of a fortified village began, which included a moat and two orders of defensive walls. The outermost order had four defensive towers and two gates with drawbridges. Ansaldi tower, one of the four present, still exists today and is well preserved. Near it, there was a mighty bastion with a square tower, which in the 15th century was used as housing for soldiers and a prison in the underground. The fortified village was divided into three parts: two lateral parts called Airali and a central part, a stronghold located on the current Piazza San Giovanni Battista.

The late Middle Ages and the sixteenth century

From the mid-10th century, Fontanile was part of the Marquisate of Incisa and then became part of the fiefdom of the Marquis of Monferrato. In the 14th century, Fontanile and five other towns began to have their right to self-governance recognized by the Marquis, autonomy recognized in the "Statutes" from 1337 to 1532. In 1435, Fontanile passed to the Duchy of Savoy under King Amadeus VIII, and in 1437 it became part of the Marquisate of Monferrato again.


I hope that this brief summary has been useful in learning a little more about the history of Fontanile, an enchanting town with a very important historical heritage. If you are visiting Italy and are looking for lesser-known places rich in treasures, Fontanile might be the right destination for you! Don't hesitate to discover the beauties of this town and immerse yourself in the history of our territory. We are waiting for you with open arms!

Fabio Marino
Wrote by Fabio Marino
Updated Tuesday, Oct 4, 2022