Explore Fontanelle: a guide to the area
Hello! If you're looking for a new destination in Italy, I recommend visiting Fontanelle, a small town in the province of Treviso, in Veneto. With its 5659 inhabitants, Fontanelle is a quiet and welcoming location, with an interesting territory to discover. In this guide, I will take you on a journey to discover the details about the territory, physical geography, and hydrography of the town.
Physical Geography

Fontanelle is completely situated in the plain, with the exception of the Vallonto swamp which has now been completely flattened. The city is developed around 17-18 meters above sea level and is characterized by the absence of mountains or hills. In the past, however, the area was covered by woods and marshes, as demonstrated by the discovery of a thousand-year-old oak tree, 18 meters high and two in diameter, in the marshy territory of Santa Maria di Palù, found in 1952.
Fontanelle is located in the area of the resurgence, and for this reason, it is characterized by the presence of many canals and waterways. Fontanelle takes its name from its waterways, the main one being Monticano, followed by Lia (river), Rasego, Resteggia, and Vallontello canals.
The Monticano River flows for 16 km and represents the main waterway of Fontanelle. It is flanked by two tributaries: the Vallontello canal and the Vallont ditch.
The Lia canal extends for several kilometers, but it does not have special importance for the city.
The Rasego watercourse takes shape in Fontanelle church from several resurgence pools and extends to Mansuè, where it flows into the Livenza River. In the initial section, it divides into two branches, the Albina stream and the Rasego river, which pass respectively to the east and south of the city.
The Resteggia watercourse rises in the municipality of Godega di Sant'Urbano and serves as a natural border between Fontanelle and Mansuè. Along 8.85 km, it flows into the Livenza River at Portobuffolé.
The Borniola ditch takes shape to the north of the fraction of Rai alla Torre di Collalto and with its 6.8 km flows into the Monticano. The Borniola receives from the left the waters of Piavesella, its main tributary.
The Piavesella River has its sources in Vazzola in the locality of Case Fossa. With its tributaries, it contributes to the formation of Bellù, a river of great importance for the area in which it is located.
If you are a hiking enthusiast, I recommend walking along the trails that border these watercourses or cycling through the small bridges and admiring the nature that surrounds Fontanelle.
I hope this guide has helped you better understand the characteristics of Fontanelle's territory. If you are planning a vacation in Veneto and want to discover a bit of nature and history, Fontanelle might be the right location for you. Get in touch with the locals, taste the local cuisine, and enjoy the beauty of the Venetian plain. Win your ticket and come visit us!