
Discovering Parola, a geographic hamlet of 965 inhabitants

Parola, a geographic hamlet of 965 inhabitants, is a village located in the province of Parma. It is divided into three municipalities: east of the Parola (stream), Fontanellato to the north of the SS 9 Via Emilia highway and Noceto to the south; Fidenza is to the west of the Parola stream. The village is 9 km from Fontanellato, 4 km from Fidenza, and 6 km from Noceto.

Physical geography

The village is located on flat ground at an elevation of 33 meters above sea level, mainly extending on the right bank of the Parola (stream) that flows from south to north. Vast expanses of green fields characterize the hamlet's territory. The landscape is simple but charming, allowing you to admire the beauty of pure nature.

Discover Parola: history, nature, and high-quality food.


Parola is a locality with a fascinating history that begins in 894, in a diploma of the King of Italy, Arnolfo of Carinthia. The document mentions it as being on the western border of the possessions of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Parma, acquired by the Bishop Guibodo of Parma. In 923, the Queen Ageltrude, the widow of the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Guido II of Spoleto, donated the lands she owned in the area to the Chapter. In 1077, the King of Italy, Henry IV of Franconia, invested Ugo V of Maine and Folco I d'Este with many fiefs in Northern Italy, including parts of the territories of Soragna, Parola, Borgo San Donnino, and Noceto, which in 1097 were assigned to Folco following the split between the two brothers. In 1297, the Municipality of Parma decided not to rebuild the castle of Parola, now in ruins. However, the fortress was subsequently rebuilt by the Pallavicino family. At the death of the Marquis in 1348, the feudal lordship of Parola was inherited by his son Donnino Pallavicino, along with the lands of Zibello, Ravarano, Casola (Terenzo), Monte Palero Castle, Sant'Ilario Baganza, and Cella (Noceto).

What to see in Parola

There are some attractions that I recommend visiting if you decide to spend some time in Parola. Firstly, the Castle of Parola, also known as Castel Torello, built in 1227 by the Podestà of Parma, Torello de Strada, to placate the rebellion of the Fidenza, who had repeatedly challenged Parma's authority. Don't miss the statue of the Marquis Oberto II Pallavicino, located in front of the Castle's Church, who contributed to the construction and revival of the hamlet.

The Parola stream deserves a walk along its banks, and the small park located in Fontanellato has a playground for children and a lawn where you can relax and enjoy the landscape.

Parola's food

Parola is one of the best-known areas in Italy for its production of cured meats and cheeses. The surrounding territory of the geographic hamlet offers high-quality food products. The famous Culatello di Zibello, one of the most precious cured meats in the world, is produced precisely in this area.


In conclusion, Parola is a perfect destination for those who want to appreciate the beauty of nature and taste high-quality food products. Its history, from the medieval period to the present day, makes it a fascinating and interesting place to visit. Don't hesitate to organize a small trip to fully enjoy this unique experience.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Jun 24, 2022