
Welcome to Fontanellato: a journey through history, nature and culture

If you are looking for a peaceful and richly historic place, Fontanellato is the perfect town for you. Located in the lower Parma region, just a few kilometers from Parma itself, this town of 7007 inhabitants is an ideal destination for a vacation that combines culture and nature.

Physical geography

Fontanellato is located near the A1 highway and the via Emilia, in a flat area of the Po Valley. Its strategic location makes it easily accessible from any part of Italy. Moreover, the beauty of the surrounding countryside, with its springs and rural landscapes, makes this town an ideal place for nature lovers.

Discover Fontanellato: History, Nature, and Culture.


The history of Fontanellato dates back to the Bronze Age, as demonstrated by the studies carried out by the famous archaeologist Luigi Pigorini. During the Roman era, the territory was colonized and, later in the Middle Ages, Fontanellato became an important center of power along the via Emilia.

The cornerstone of the town's life was the castle, the Rocca Sanvitale, built by the Pallavicino family in 1124 and later owned by the Sanvitale family in 1386. The castle was used as a noble residence and as a defense point. Today, the Rocca Sanvitale has become an important tourist attraction, hosting exhibitions and cultural events.

The symbols of Fontanellato

The town's coat of arms is represented by a fountain and the castle, important symbols of Fontanellato's history. The banner flag is red and white.

Monuments and places of interest

The historic center of Fontanellato has numerous monuments of historical and cultural interest. In addition to the Rocca Sanvitale, the church of Santa Croce, built in the 15th century by Giberto II Sanvitale, is a place of great artistic interest. The church was renovated in 1503 and later restored in 1912 by the architect Lamberto Cusani.

The sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of the Holy Rosary, located a few kilometers from the town center, is a pilgrimage site for faithful who come to pray at the feet of the Virgin Mary statue.

Welcome to Fontanellato

In conclusion, Fontanellato is a welcoming town rich in history. The beauty of the surrounding countryside, the presence of monuments of great artistic and cultural value, and the hospitality of the locals make this town an ideal destination for a vacation, weekend, or day trip. Come discover the beauty of Fontanellato and be enchanted by its history and traditions.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Jun 24, 2022