
Welcome to Fontanelice!

Hello everyone and welcome to Fontanelice! If you're looking for an authentic and enjoyable small Italian village for a vacation or weekend getaway, you're in the right place. With its 1926 residents, Fontanelice is located in the metropolitan city of Bologna in Emilia-Romagna, but belongs to the historical region of Romagna. It's situated along the Santerno River, about 18 kilometers upstream from the city of Imola, and is characterized by its historic center that will make you feel like you're living in the Middle Ages. But it's not just the beautiful architecture that attracts visitors – the geological formations and natural landscape of the area are truly unique. Just imagine a village in the heart of Romagna – then you'll be ready to visit Fontanelice!

Physical Geography

The climate of Fontanelice is Mediterranean, with warm and dry summers and mild and rainy winters. Our region belongs to zone E, with an annual rainfall of 2423mm.

Fontanelice: Discovering the medieval Emilian village!


The name of the city derives from the term "fountain," which in Latin means source, and from the suffix "elice," from the Latin verb "elicere," which means to bring forth. Therefore, the toponym Fontanelice refers to an artificial water collection work.


The Fontanelice area has an ancient history dating back to prehistoric times. In the area, Etruscan, Gallic, and Roman artifacts have been found. The first settlement was a castle built around the year 554, donated by the Byzantine general Narsete to Marzio Coralto, who founded the town. Later on, the town and its medieval old town developed, evidenced by the layout of the inhabited center that is still alive and pulsating, gathered around the square overlooking the former public palace, which is now the seat of the Archives Museum Giuseppe Mengoni.

During the Middle Ages, Fontanelice allied with Bologna, then sided against Imola alongside Tossignano. It was a fiefdom of the Alidosi family until 1424, when it became territory of the Papal State. In 1556, Pope Paul IV granted the town to Antonio Caraffa, Marquis of Montebello, his nephew. In 1797, the fiefdom became part of the Cisalpine Republic, which was fighting against French and Austrian troops. With the Restoration, Fontanelice returned to be part of the Legation of Ravenna in 1815. In 1832, the Montanara Road was built, which runs through the town and the territories of Imola up to the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

Things to see in Fontanelice

What to eat in Fontanelice

Fontanelice is famous for its local cuisine, which is based on genuine and high-quality products. Fresh pasta, homemade bread, meat, and vegetables are all delicacies of the place. Don't leave the town without trying the famous tortellino, the emblematic pasta dish of Bolognese cuisine.


In summary, come to Fontanelice to experience real Romagna life. Discover its history, natural heritage, traditional dishes, and people. Here you can live in contact with nature and enjoy the beauty of an authentic and peaceful town. We are sure you won't regret it!

Marco Damico
Wrote by Marco Damico
Updated Wednesday, Jul 20, 2022