
A small town in the Barbagia di Ollolai: Fonni

If you're looking to discover a unique place in Sardinia, you absolutely must visit Fonni. This small town of 3,668 inhabitants is located in the province of Nuoro, in the historic subregion of the Barbagia di Ollolai. Fonni lies on the northern slopes of the Gennargentu Massif, and at its 1000 meters above sea level, it is the highest municipality on the entire island.

A cool and pleasant climate

Contrary to what one might think, the climate in Fonni is not typical of the Mediterranean like most of the island, but rather a bit cooler. The landscape is characterized by a Mediterranean temperate climate, pleasantly warm in summer and with about two months of summer drought. The average annual temperature is around 11.5 degrees Celsius. In winter, on the other hand, the climate is even colder than the island's average, with frequent frosts and heavy snowfall, thanks to the city's north-facing exposure. The summer is mild, hot only on certain days, but with cool night-time temperatures. The lowest temperature recorded since 1954 has been around -18 degrees, while the highest has been 41 degrees.

Fonni, the highest city in Sardinia: history, monuments and traditions.

An ancient and rich history

The Fonni area was already inhabited in pre-Nuragic, Nuragic, and Roman times. The "mansio" Sarabensis was founded in Roman times right here. In the Middle Ages, Fonni belonged to the Giudicato of Arborea and was part of the Curatoria della Barbagia di Ollolai. In 1420, at the fall of the giudicato, it passed under the dominion of the Marquisate of Oristano, and later under the dominion of the Aragonese (1478). In 1604 it became part of the Duchy of Mandas, the fiefdom of the Maza and later the Tellez-Giron. In 1708, the sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin of the Martyrs was built by the Minor Observant Fathers, thanks to the initiative of Father Pacifico Guiso Pirella. In 1821, the town was the scene of movements of shepherds against the Edict of the Fencing-in issued the previous year by the King of Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel I. It was redeemed in 1839 with the abolition of the feudal system.

The monuments of Fonni

If you want to admire the ancient history of Fonni, you can't miss a visit to its monuments. For example, the Sanctuary of the Madonna dei Martiri dates back to 1708 and is one of the most important places of worship in the city. You can also visit the Church of San Giovanni Battista, the Church of the Rosary, the Church of Santa Croce, the Country Church of San Cristoforo, and the Country Sanctuary of the Madonna del Monte. In addition, the municipal territory of Fonni boasts numerous archaeological sites, such as the nuraghi and the giants' tombs of Madau and Bidistili.

Events and traditions of Fonni

If you're lucky enough to visit Fonni in June, you can participate in the festivals of "Sos Martires" and "Santu Jaunni" in honor of the Madonna dei Martiri and San Giovanni Battista. These festivities preserve ancient traditions that are renewed every year and bring the community together in a splendid way. Furthermore, Fonni also has one of the most famous Carnivals in the entire Sardinia. The most famous cariatides of the Fonnese carnival are undoubtedly the Urthos and the Buttudos, characters with ancestral roots. Then there's "su Ceomo", a carnival puppet accompanied by a group of men dressed as widows. And finally, "Sas mascheras limpias" with a female costume adorned with white lace and ribbons of different colors and accompanied by a white veil that covers the face.

Visit Fonni and discover it for yourself: there are so many beautiful things to see and do!

Veronica Vitale
Updated Saturday, Jan 21, 2023