Piana Battolla

Welcome to Piana Battolla: a welcoming hamlet in Liguria

Hello everyone and welcome to Piana Battolla, a hamlet of 1,269 inhabitants located in the municipality of Follo, in Liguria. If you're looking for a welcoming and peaceful place to spend a few days of relaxation surrounded by nature and history, then you're in the right place. In this article, I will tell you about the features of this small town, from geography to history, from monuments to celebrations.

Physical geography: a toponym that tells the territory

The name "Piana Battolla" comes from the position of the town, which is only 50 meters above sea level. The toponym justifies the plain that characterizes the territory, surrounded by hills that are part of the Regional Natural Park of Montemarcello-Magra-Vara. Piana Battolla is located in the Lower Val di Vara, in a strategic position between La Spezia and Val di Taro.

Piana Battolla: history, nature and traditions of Liguria

History: from autonomy to economic growth

The first news of Piana Battolla dates back to the 14th century and its foundation is due to the members of the Tivegnini Battolla family. In the Middle Ages, the town was an important crossing point for travelers but became an autonomous center only in 1820, when the parish of Santa Maria Ausiliatrice was created. In the course of the 20th century, with the creation of the first pharmacy and bank branch, Piana Battolla became an important commercial center in the Lower Val di Vara.

Monuments and places of interest: between historic churches and oratories

One of the most important monuments in the town is certainly the Church of Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, built between 1824 and 1869. The church is an example of neoclassical architecture and houses works of great artistic value. Another place of interest is the Oratory of San Rocco, dating back to 1657 and located in the center of the town. The oratory, built in Baroque style, collects works by local artists.

Celebrations: the festival dedicated to asado

One of the most important celebrations in Piana Battolla is the Sagra Dell'Asado, which takes place every year on August 16th. During the festival, you can taste typical dishes of the territory, including asado alla pizzaiola, a specialty dish of grilled meat seasoned with tomato and oregano.

Conclusion: discover the beauty of Piana Battolla

I hope that this brief journey of discovery of Piana Battolla has pleased you and that it has aroused your curiosity to visit this small but fascinating town. In Liguria, an atmosphere of friendliness and hospitality is always breathed, which will make you feel immediately at home. I wish you a peaceful stay in Piana Battolla and I invite you to discover all the beauties that this territory can offer.

Andrea Fontana
Updated Sunday, May 15, 2022