
The Beautiful Folgaria

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about a beautiful destination in Trentino-Alto Adige, Folgaria. Located on the western slope of the Magnifica Comunità degli Altipiani Cimbri, this small town has everything you could want in a ski destination: breathtaking views, a great selection of accommodations, restaurants and bars, and of course, a wide range of outdoor activities to satisfy everyone's needs.


Folgaria is located at 1168 meters above sea level at the foot of Monte Cornetto, on the right bank of Rio Cavallo, in the autonomous province of Trento. Here, you can enjoy spectacular views of the Valle del Rio Cavallo and the high valley of the Astico. The town is made up of seven main hamlets: Costa, Serrada, Guardia, Mezzomonte, San Sebastiano, Carbonare, and Nosellari, along with numerous smaller hamlets such as Pont, Ondertol, Dori, Molino Nuovo, and many more. The Sommo Pass, located at 1341 m, is often used as a reference point to indicate the location of the various hamlets.

Folgaria: the pearl of Trentino-Alto Adige for sports, nature, and history.

Origin of the name

The toponym Folgaria derives from the Latin *filicaretum, which means "fern field". In Cimbro dialect, the language spoken in the area during the Middle Ages, the town was called Folgrait, which means "very cleared". During the Austrian period, the name was then translated into German as Vielgereuth.


The community of Folgaria has a long and interesting history. In the 13th century, the Folgaria plateau was part of the episcopal fiefdom of Beseno, under the direct control of the Prince-Bishop of Trento and the Emperor of Austria. In 1222, Folgaria was founded as a community of free people governed by their own administrative organs.

However, in 1285, the town had to submit to the Castel Beseno feudal lords, the Castelbarco family, due to boundary issues. In 1315, the community adopted its own municipal statute, the Carta Ordinamentorum. In the 15th century, Folgaria gave itself to the Republic of Venice, guaranteeing total and perpetual autonomy from the feudal jurisdiction of the Lagarine castle.

But in 1510, with the fall of Venetian rule, Folgaria returned to the House of Austria. The dispute with the Trapp family began, who wanted to re-impose the lost feudal dependence. The controversy lasted more than two hundred years and was called the "Trappia cause". It was a very difficult period for the town, marked by crimes and violence.


Despite its turbulent history, Folgaria is now a very popular tourist destination, especially for skiing and snowboarding enthusiasts. The town hosts numerous ski lifts and a vast network of ski slopes, some of which are lit for night skiing.

But skiing is not the only activity in Folgaria. You can also devote yourself to excursions to discover the surrounding landscape, horseback riding, mountain biking, climbing, and much more. In short, Folgaria is an ideal destination for those who want to enjoy the nature, sports, and culture of Trentino-Alto Adige, all without sacrificing comfort and relaxation.

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Tuesday, Dec 13, 2022