Foiano della Chiana

Welcome to Foiano della Chiana!

Hello friends! Today, I'm taking you on a journey to discover Foiano della Chiana, a municipality in the province of Arezzo in Tuscany with a population of 9,011 inhabitants. Are you ready to explore the physical geography and history of this charming place?

Physical Geography

Foiano della Chiana is located on a low hill in the Chiana valley at an altitude of 318 meters above sea level. The terrain is hilly, branching out to the east and west. To the north, the slope brings the municipality closer to the embankments, while to the south it extends towards the Val di Chiana Senese. The territory is crossed by the Esse stream, which flows into the Maestro della Chiana Canal. Foiano is renowned for its agricultural production of cereals, wine, and tobacco, as well as being an important commercial center.

Let's discover Foiano della Chiana: history and geography!


The area is classified as medium seismicity, as indicated in the P.C.M Ordinance (of 28/04/2006). The climatic classification is zone E and atmospheric diffusivity is medium, as established by CNR Ibimet in 2002.


Foiano della Chiana has an ancient history dating back to the 6th century BC when the area was colonized by the Etruscan civilization. After Roman domination, barbarian invasions began in the Val di Chiana. In the medieval period, Foiano was the first community in the Valdichiana to establish a city statute to become a free and independent municipality in 1084. In the 12th century, Foiano temporarily fell under the domination of Siena and then under the rule of the Arezzo until 1336. That year, Florence conquered the city, which was almost destroyed but then rebuilt. The Florentines rebuilt the walls to defend it from Aretine attacks and built a port to connect through the river with neighboring towns: Castiglion Fiorentino and Cortona.

In 1387, Foiano regained its status as a municipality, following the reopening of a statute, despite being now under Florentine control. Later, the center of Pozzo della Chiana was subjected to the jurisdiction of Foiano, becoming the center of continuous revolts by local residents. On August 2, 1554, the Battle of Scannagallo was fought near Pozzo della Chiana, where Florentine troops defeated those of Siena, opening the way to the conquest of Siena.

From that moment on, the history of Foiano della Chiana became indissolubly linked to that of Florence. After the Grand Duchy of Tuscany of the Lorraine, the territory was reclaimed thanks to the projects of Leopold II of Habsburg-Lorraine who entrusted the Arezzo-born Vittorio Fossombroni with the reclamation of the Val di Chiana. The territory was, in fact, at risk of being a marsh.


Foiano della Chiana is a charming place with an ancient history and a strategic geographic location. We were happy to provide you with some information on this town, from the territorial conformation to its history, and why it may be interesting to visit this municipality. We can't wait to explore other historical and exciting places in Italy!

Federico Conte
Updated Saturday, Oct 8, 2022