
Redipuglia: history, geography and monuments

Hello friends, today I want to talk to you about Redipuglia, a hamlet of the municipality of Fogliano Redipuglia, in the province of Gorizia. Redipuglia is particularly famous for its Military Shrine, but it also has other interesting attractions.

Physical geography

Redipuglia is located at an average altitude of 16 meters above sea level, about 1.5 km south of Fogliano, with which it is directly connected by the Redipuglia State Road 305.

Redipuglia: history, geography, and monuments.

Origins of the name

The name Redipuglia has several theories about its origin. According to one version, it could derive from the Latin ''praedium Pullianum'' or ''Rodopuglum''. Another version makes it derive from the ancient Slovenian language ''Rodopolje'' (then ''Radopolia''), which means ''cleared field''. According to other sources, the name derives from the fact that the Redipuglia hill stands out from the rest of the Karst heights as it forms a peninsula that protrudes into the Isontine Plain: ''sredi'' (in the middle) and ''polje'' (field), from Slovenian ''Sredipolje''.


In the past, Redipuglia was the domain of the Republic of Venice on the border with the Habsburg Principality of Gorizia and Gradisca.

Monuments and places of interest

Redipuglia is famous for its Military Shrine, one of the largest in the world. Inside there are the tombs of about 100,000 Italian soldiers who died during the First World War. The shrine was inaugurated in 1938 and is now considered a reference point for the history of Italy and Europe.

In addition to the Shrine, Redipuglia also has the Church of San Giacomo Apostolo in Fogliano Redipuglia, which is a beautiful place of worship.


For baseball enthusiasts, Redipuglia had its Rangers Redipuglia Baseball Club, which participated in the Italian Baseball League in 2008.


In summary, Redipuglia is a small town with great historical importance. In addition to the famous Military Shrine, there are also other points of interest such as the Church of San Giacomo and the local baseball club. If you are passionate about history, do not miss the opportunity to visit this wonderful town!

Francesco Serra
Updated Thursday, Dec 22, 2022