
Floresta: the highest municipality in Sicily

If you are looking for a place to enjoy a cool summer climate and admire spectacular landscapes, Floresta is the right place for you. This municipality is located on the watershed between the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Ionian Sea, in the Nebrodi Mountains, at an altitude of 1275 meters above sea level. Here's everything you need to know about this wonderful Sicilian location.

Physical geography

Floresta is a municipality in the Nebrodi Park, equidistant from Messina and Catania, about 90 km away from both cities. If you love nature, you will find forests, streams, lakes, meadows, and pastures to explore.

The climate is of the Apennine type, with cool summers and harsh and snowy winters. If you want to escape the summer heat, Floresta is your ideal destination.

Floresta: between mountains and nature, the highest municipality in Sicily.


The history of Floresta dates back to ancient times when the site was occupied by a forest of tall trees, from which the Romans obtained the timber necessary for the construction of their war and transport ships. It is presumed that the first settlement was composed of prisoners of war and slaves who worked on forestry.

During the early Middle Ages, the first settlement was abandoned due to the great difficulties of communication and supply during the winter months. Later, in the fourteenth century, the site was incorporated into the domains of Frederick of Aragon and became a fiefdom. The most decisive moment in the history of the center dates back to 1619 when Philip III of Spain appointed Antonio Quintana Duegna "Marquis of the Forest of San Giorgio and Grassetta."

During the feudal age, the territory was intensively exploited for cereal production, with the presence of water mills near the watercourses.

In 1820, Floresta became an independent municipality and was equipped with an urban layout that developed around the mother church of Sant'Anna and the streets of Vittorio Emanuele and Via Umberto I.

Monuments and places of interest

Floresta boasts two churches: the Mother Church of Sant'Anna and the Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova.

The building of the Mother Church dates back to the mid-1700s and was founded by the Spanish noble Duegna with the title of San Giorgio. In the nineteenth century, it was renovated and rededicated to Sant'Anna, still the patron saint of the village. The building, both in the exterior and interior, underwent restoration in 2013.

The church of Sant'Antonio di Padova is located to the west of the inhabited center.

Do not miss the pastoral stone refuges called "pagghiari 'mpetra", "cubburi" or, according to the recent definition, "Tholos". These are dry-stone constructions, with a circular plan and self-supporting dome roof, in clear harmony with the landscape.


Floresta has a population of about 463 inhabitants. The most important festivals are those of Sant'Antonio on June 13, Sant'Anna on July 26, and San Giuseppe on September 19.


Below is a table of the administrations that have succeeded in this municipality.

In summary, Floresta is an enchanting place in the Nebrodi Park, where you can enjoy a cool climate and breathtaking landscapes. Visit the Mother Church of Sant'Anna and the Church of Sant'Antonio da Padova, and admire the pastoral stone refuges. Do not miss the festivals of Sant'Antonio, Sant'Anna, and San Giuseppe to fully immerse yourself in the local culture.

Laura De Luca
Wrote by Laura De Luca
Updated Saturday, Mar 12, 2022