
Welcome to Flero

Hello everyone! Today I want to talk to you about the municipality of Flero, a small town located in the province of Brescia in Lombardy.

A flat area with rivers and streams

Flero is characterized by a largely flat territory, which is wetted by the rivers Grande and Garza. In the hilly area of Mount Netto, we find the resurgence of the vase Orso.

Flero: History, Natural and Cultural Treasures

A name derived from Carolingian toponymy

The name of Flero probably derives from Carolingian toponymy ''Freores'' and appears for the first time in a document of the 841 of the Diocese of Brescia Ramperto "que est in loco qui dicitur Freores".

A history rich in ancient settlements

The first traces of settlements date back to the Roman period, as evidenced by the funeral stone dedicated to the son of Lucio Cornelio Glicone. From 1927 to 1956, Flero was merged with Poncarale in the municipality of Poncarale Flero. In May 1979, Andrea Pirlo, a former midfielder, was born here.

The symbols of the municipality

The symbol of Flero is a blue flag with three golden corn cobs, leafed in two, placed in a pale, ordered in a band with the ends downwards; at the head of a solid green.

What to see in Flero

The municipality of Flero has many interesting places to visit: the Church of the Conversion of St. Paul, the Don Bosco Oratory, Piazza IV Novembre, Piazza San Paolo, Villa Grasseni, Palazzo Calzaveglia-Avogadro, Palazzo Prandelli, the Gurudwara - Sikh Temple, the Bruno Barbaglio Park, the Pietra del Gallo, the "Le Muse" Theater and the CIV.

Culture and education

There are several schools on the territory, including two nursery schools (Nascimbeni and I Ciliegi), a primary school, the E. Rinaldini State Middle School, and the G. D'Annunzio Aeronautical Technical Institute, which was closed in 2018. Flero also has two libraries, the Municipal Library and the Parish Library.

Infrastructure and transport

Until 1948, Flero was served by the Brescia-Ostiano tramway. Today, the municipality is connected to the city of Brescia by several bus lines.


Since 1993, Flero has had several mayors elected directly by the citizens. Currently, the mayor is Pietro Alberti, a representative of Forza Italia, Lega Nord, and Fratelli d'Italia.

I hope this brief summary has helped you discover more about the municipality of Flero. If you have the opportunity to visit it, do not miss the chance to admire its natural and cultural beauties!

Chiara Russo
Wrote by Chiara Russo
Updated Tuesday, Jan 25, 2022