
The Monster of Florence: A Series of Murders That Shocked Italy#

The Monster of Florence was the first serial killer to be active in Italy. Between 1968 and 1985, he killed eight victims, all couples who secluded themselves in wooded areas in the province of Florence. The local population had to cope with the terror spread by the murders, and the subsequent media coverage influenced people's habits.

The Culprits#

After numerous investigations, the Florence prosecutor's office definitively convicted Mario Vanni and Giancarlo Lotti, identified as the material authors of four double homicides. Pietro Pacciani had instead been sentenced to multiple life imprisonments in the first instance but was later acquitted on appeal. The matter was supposed to go back to trial, but Pacciani died before that could happen.

Mysteries of the Monster of Florence: Shocking murders and ongoing investigations.

The Investigations#

The investigations of the Florence and Perugia prosecutors focused on the possible masterminds of the murders and the possibility of an esoteric motive. However, no evidence was found for an investigative track of this type. A possible connection with Perugian doctor Francesco Narducci was hypothesized by the Bicameral Parliamentary Antimafia Commission, based on the account of a subject involved in the "Circeo massacre" case. The Commission stated that the probative framework needs further investigation to shed light on the possible connection between Narducci and the Monster of Florence's crimes.


The Monster of Florence shook Italy and was the subject of numerous investigations. Although the possible material authors of the murders have been convicted, the question of the motive and masterminds remains open. The possible connection with Perugian doctor Francesco Narducci suggested by the Bicameral Parliamentary Antimafia Commission requires further investigative depth to definitively close the case.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Saturday, Sep 17, 2022