
Welcome to Filottrano: a small town rich in history and natural beauty

Welcome to Filottrano, a small town in the province of Ancona, located on a hill less than 300 meters above sea level. Here, the surrounding countryside is a true spectacle for the eyes, which are painted white during the winter and filled with a variety of colors during the summer.

But Filottrano is not just a cute little place to take a day trip. This city has a long history that dates back to the Eneolithic period, as evidenced by the archaeological finds discovered in the Ripabianca di Santa Paolina area. And then there are the Gauls, Roman colonies, medieval castle walls, and the large Storaco monastery.

In this article, we will discover together all the beauties and history of this small Marche town.

Physical Geography

Filottrano is located in the heart of the Marche region, in a hilly area that extends for about 40 kilometers between the Adriatic coast and the Umbrian-Marche Apennines. The city is located less than 300 meters above sea level, and its surrounding countryside offers wonderful landscapes, both in winter when everything is covered in snow, and in summer when an incredible variety of colors can be admired.

Filottrano: history and nature between hills and sea.



The presence of man in the Eneolithic period is largely attested by numerous archaeological finds found in the Capannilico village, located in the Ripabianca di Santa Paolina area. Here, objects made of copper, human skeletons and animal remains were found, which demonstrate the presence of man in this area since the 3rd millennium BC.

From the Piceni to the Roman Empire

Filottrano is not only a city of Eneolithic origins, but its history also passes through the Senonian Gauls, who settled near Santa Paolina in the 6th century BC. Here, an important burial ground was found, of which only some testimonies remain today.

In Roman times, the colony of Veragra was built near the current Fratte, but the settlement was ransacked and destroyed in 568 AD by the Ostrogoths.

Middle Ages

The first certain sources on the foundation of Filottrano date back to 1187 by Pope Gregory VIII, which give the certainty of a real existence already in those years of Filottrano. But the name of the city has a curious etymology: "Filottrano" means "Mons Philiorum Optrani", or the Mountain of the sons of Ottrano, the legendary founder of the city in the Lombard period.

During the Middle Ages, Filottrano suffered the influence of many political and religious factions, as evidenced by the clash between Guelfs and Ghibellines. The city was also involved in the affairs of neighboring towns Cingoli and Osimo.

In the city, there are also castle walls dating back to the 14th century, built to protect the city from external invasions. During this period, the economy was based on agriculture, and many caves located under the city were used to store food in times of famine, war or particular drought.

Of particular importance is the large Storaco monastery, built between the 12th and 13th centuries, which no longer exists today. However, it is reported that the monastery was an important pilgrimage point for the surrounding populations.


Filottrano is truly a small town rich in history and natural beauty. From prehistoric settlements to the foundation of Pope Gregory VIII, to the castle walls of the 14th century and the Storaco monastery, this city offers a real "full immersion" in history.

Located on a hill, Filottrano offers a breathtaking view of the surrounding Marche landscape, which is dressed in white during the winter season and sparkling colors during the summer.

In short, if you want to spend some time in a quiet place immersed in nature, Ferici Piccoli ad Est, the name of the summer festival in Filottrano, offers a unique opportunity to discover the charm and history of Filottrano.

Matteo Ferrari
Updated Monday, Feb 6, 2023