
The Pecorino di Filiano: an Italian treasure

The Pecorino di Filiano is an Italian treasure that has received the recognition of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), thanks to its unique flavor and high quality. It is a hard cheese, made with the whole milk of sheep of different breeds from Lucania and Puglia.

Characteristics of Pecorino di Filiano

The production regulations of Pecorino di Filiano are very detailed and involve precise steps to ensure flavor and quality. The same regulations specify that the milk used for cheese production must come from farms that produce excellent quality forage in the production area. Moreover, the rennet used must be artisanal and follow detailed procedures.

Pecorino di Filiano cheese can be produced at any time of the year and its weight must be between 2.5 and 5 kg, depending on the size of the form. The crust varies from golden yellow to dark brown in the most seasoned cheeses and is treated superficially with extra-virgin olive oil produced in Basilicata and wine vinegar. The fat on the dry substance of the cheese must not be less than 30%.

The Treasure of Pecorino cheese from Filiano: DOP and thousand-year-old tradition.

Production area

Pecorino di Filiano is produced in the province of Potenza, in the municipalities of Balvano, Cancellara, Castelgrande, Filiano, Forenza, Ginestra, Maschito, Melfi, Muro Lucano, Pescopagano, Pietragalla, Pignola, Rapolla, Rapone, Rionero in Vulture, Ripacandida, Ruoti, Ruvo del Monte, San Fele, Savoia di Lucania, Tito, Vaglio di Basilicata, Vietri di Potenza, Atella and Avigliano.

The production area is well-defined geographically and coincides with various territories of Basilicata. In these areas, the production of Pecorino di Filiano has a millenary tradition. Indeed, the specific territory where the cheese is produced is of vital importance, as there is a unique mix of climate and soil suitable for the production of high-quality sheep's milk.


Pecorino di Filiano is a highly appreciated and well-known cheese, especially in the Basilicata region. Thanks to the PDO status, its production has been regulated and protected, ensuring that only cheeses produced with the best ingredients and artisanal techniques can carry the name Pecorino di Filiano.

Other projects

Pecorino di Filiano has great success not only in its homeland but also throughout Italy, where it is appreciated for its unique taste and authentic flavor. In addition to being a high-quality food product, the cheese also represents one of the cultural traditions of Basilicata.

External links

For more information, we suggest visiting the official website of the Pecorino di Filiano Association, where you can find all the information about the cheese's history, production regulations, production area, and much more.

Antonio Bruno
Wrote by Antonio Bruno
Updated Tuesday, Sep 27, 2022