
Welcome to Filacciano: a rural town in Lazio

We are pleased to introduce you to Filacciano, an Italian town located in the metropolitan city of Rome Capital in Lazio. Our town is home to around 440 inhabitants spread over an area of 5.7 square kilometers. If you are looking for a peaceful and rural place to spend your holiday or settle down, Filacciano is the perfect place for you! In this article, we provide you with some information on the geographical features, history, and economy of our town.

Filacciano, rural municipality in Lazio: geography, history and economy.

Physical Geography


Filacciano belongs to the altimetric area known as the internal hill and is mainly hilly with altitudes that hover around 200 meters above sea level. The town itself is located on a tuff spur that reaches 247 meters in altitude and dominates the underlying Tiber Valley. The area of the Municipality is largely rural, and the economy depends mainly on the agricultural sector. It borders with other towns in the province of Rome and Rieti, including Torrita Tiberina, Nazzano Romano, Ponzano Romano, Poggio Mirteto, and Forano.


Filacciano is classified as zone D, with 1814 degree-days in the climate classification system.


Archaic Age

The history of our town dates back to the archaic age. In the territory of Filacciano, archaeological finds have been discovered that attest to the presence of a pre-Roman necropolis in the Marisano locality, with a culture similar to that of the Falisci-Capenati in the Tiber Valley. These finds are preserved in the warehouses of the Capena Archaeological Museum.

Roman Age

In the imperial Roman era, Filacciano was part of Regio VII Etruria and occupied the eastern part of the ancient Ager Capenas. The name Filacciano probably derives from "Fundus Flaccus," meaning "Flaccus' estate," an ancient Roman owner of a plot of land located in this area.

Middle Ages

The history of Filacciano continues with the first news of a "fondus Flacciano" that has reached us from 779. In the Middle Ages, due to the barbarian invasions, many inhabitants of ancient sites were forced to move to safer places, giving rise to new fortified centers in strategic defense positions. It can be hypothesized that in the Ager Capenas already in this period, there were settlements and villages that were born from the beginning of the Middle Ages.


The primary economy of Filacciano is agricultural. Many of the inhabitants work in agriculture. The hilly territory and the proximity to the Tiber River allow for varied cultivation, including olive groves, vineyards, and cereals.

Recently, many citizens of Filacciano have started investing in local tourism. Our town offers many natural and historical attractions, including the surrounding landscape and the visit of historical sites such as the pre-Roman necropolis in the Marisano locality. Moreover, the location of Filacciano makes it easy to access other nearby tourist attractions.


We hope that this brief tour of Filacciano has given you an idea of the rural and historical atmosphere of our town. If you are looking for an escape from the city and want to discover an authentic and rural atmosphere, Filacciano is a good choice. If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms in Filacciano!

Martina Moretti
Updated Tuesday, Jan 18, 2022