Figline Vegliaturo

Discovering the Municipality of Figline Vegliaturo

Are you ready to discover the Municipality of Figline Vegliaturo? This small town in the province of Cosenza, Calabria has only 1102 inhabitants, but is rich in history and traditions.

Origins of the Name

The name of the town has been the subject of study for many historians. It is thought that the first part of the name derives from the word "figulina", which means "potter's workshop" or "clay quarry". The second part of the name, instead, derives from the Latin "vigilatorium", which means "place for guard duty". In the oldest documents, the town is called Philinum, Philenum, Philanum, Fillenum, Felinum.

Figline Vegliaturo: History, Nature and Traditions in Calabria


Figline Vegliaturo is the birthplace of philosopher, humanist and writer Aulo Giano Parrasio, the founder in 1511 of the Accademia Cosentina, librarian, philosopher and bishop Tommaso Aceti, and singer Rocco Granata.

Historians argue that the hilly area between 400 and 800 meters above sea level was the most suitable for the settlement of stable settlements for agriculture and especially for livestock breeding, since the time of Roman history or even earlier. Linked and an integral part of the city of Cosenza were the Royal Demesne and not feudal as almost all the municipalities during the whole history of the Kingdom of Naples to which the Casali belonged until Italian unification.

Until 1808, the Casali of Cosenza were divided into twenty or twenty-one baglives. The bagliva of Figline included the village of Figline, the villages of Piane Crati, Francolisi, Cellara and Sant'Angelo delle Chiusure.

The Town Today

Today, the Municipality of Figline Vegliaturo is made up of 26 casali. The town is located southeast of Cosenza and has a territory ranging from 480 to 863 meters above sea level.

The territory of the municipality is characterized by unspoiled nature, with beech and oak forests. In addition, the Municipality is famous for the production of olive oil and livestock breeding.

The town has a peaceful and hospitable atmosphere, where residents are strongly attached to their traditions. During the year, many religious and cultural festivals take place, such as the feast of St. Michael the Archangel and the patronal feast of St. John the Baptist.

What to Visit

If you visit Figline Vegliaturo, do not miss the opportunity to visit the historic center of the town, where you can admire the ancient churches and characteristic stone houses.

We also recommend visiting the Sila National Park, which is located near the town. This park is famous for its unspoiled nature and wildlife, and offers numerous outdoor activities such as hiking, trekking and mountain biking.

Do not miss the opportunity to taste the typical dishes of Calabrian cuisine, such as 'nduja, salsicciotto, stuffed peppers and stuffed eggplant.


In conclusion, if you are looking for a peaceful place immersed in nature where you can spend your holidays, Figline Vegliaturo is the right place for you. You can discover the history and traditions of this enchanted town and enjoy the beauty of Calabrian nature.

Paola Santoro
Wrote by Paola Santoro
Updated Sunday, Jan 29, 2023