
Discovering Fornio

Come and discover Fornio, a beautiful hamlet in the municipality of Fidenza, located in the province of Parma. With its 4.21 km distance from the capital, the area is characterized by the presence of the small Fornio stream and extensive cultivated areas, vineyards, and forests.

Geographical Description

Fornio is located on a hill to the west of Fidenza, near the border with the province of Piacenza. There are two main inhabited nuclei: the central area, more recent, and the Rocca, older. The territory is characterized by the presence of numerous cultivated areas and vineyards, as well as forests of Castanea, Acacia, Populus, and Acer.

A part of the Stirone Regional River Park is located along the border of Fornio with San Nicomede, a nature reserve where local fauna and flora can be observed.

Fornio: history and nature among vineyards and woods.

The History of Fornio

Fornio has ancient roots, dating back to prehistoric times, as evidenced by the flint artifacts found in the area. The discovery of various ceramic and baked goods on the northern margins of the historic center dates back to the Roman era.

During the Early Middle Ages, the locality was first mentioned in 625 as a territory dependent on Parma and Piacenza. In 923, it was the scene of a fierce battle between Berengario del Friuli and Rudolph II of Burgundy.

The Church of San Lorenzo, present in the area since 1196, and the territory were then assigned to the Pallavicino, becoming part of their Pallavicino State. With Napoleon's conquest, Fornio became part of the municipality of Castione Marchesi and then of Borgo San Donnino.

Origin of the Name

Fornio has various historical names, such as Pietraformia and Pietra Fornia. According to some historians, the name derives from the ovens previously built by the military camps of Frederick Barbarossa and Frederick II of Swabia. Others, however, argue that it derives from the word "Furiola," referring to the battles fought in the area during the 10th century.


In conclusion, Fornio is a beautiful hamlet of Fidenza, where history intertwines with the beauty of nature. Come visit to admire the extensive vineyards, numerous forests, and slow flow of the small Fornio stream. You won't be disappointed!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Sep 9, 2022