
Welcome to Fidenza: discovering this historic city in Emilia-Romagna

Fidenza is a municipality in the province of Parma, located in the Po Valley. With a population of over 27,000 inhabitants, it is one of the most important cities in the region alongside Parma itself. Fidenza is famous for its central location and its millennial history, starting from a Roman camp to being the capital of Italy, through the domination of Charlemagne. In this text, we will explore the physical geography of the city, the origins of its name and its history in a friendly manner.

Physical geography

Fidenza is located in the Po Valley, surrounded to the south by the first hills. The city is about 20 kilometers west of Parma and to the south of the Po River. One of the most important streams in the region, the Stirone, flows to the west of the city, while to the east it is bathed by the Rovacchia stream.

Fidenza: history, geography, and origins of its name - let's discover this ancient city!

Origins of the name

The name Fidenza comes from the Latin "Fidentia", which means "confidence". The name is associated with the verb "fidere", which means "to trust". Before assuming its current name, in the medieval period, the city was called "Borgo San Donnino", after the name of the patron saint beheaded in the city. In 1927, the original name of Fidenza was restored.


Fidenza has Roman origins, founded as a military camp along the Via Emilia starting from the name of "Vicumvia", previously founded by the Anamari Gauls. Thanks to its strategic position, Fidenza became an important commercial center of the Roman Empire. In 41 BC, Fidenza was granted Roman citizenship by Augustus and became a municipium.

With the fall of the Roman Empire, the city was subjected to barbarian invasions and was destroyed in the 5th century. However, the city was rebuilt and renamed "Borgo San Donnino". This new name seems to date back to 923 and was maintained for over a thousand years. During this period, the city was often contested between the cities of Piacenza and Parma, given its potential for development and its position on the Via Emilia and the Via Francigena.

Charlemagne had a strong devotion to Donnino of Fidenza and was one of the major benefactors of the city's church, donating his royal villa of Fornio and the golden apple of his staff to fuse it and make it the knot of the chalice. It was precisely during his domination that the saint's body was found.

Between 1000 and 1100, Borgo San Donnino became the capital of Italy for a brief period. Conrad of Lorraine, son of Emperor Henry IV of Franconia, rebelled against his father by allying himself with Pope Gregory VII and Matilda of Canossa, and chose Borgo San Donnino as his capital from 1092 to 1102. Also in 1102, Fidenza was officially recognized as a municipality by Frederick Barbarossa, who entrusted it to the control of the Pallavicino family.


In conclusion, Fidenza represents one of the most important cities in Emilia-Romagna. With a long and fascinating history dating back to Roman times, the city continues to remain alive and prosperous thanks to its strategic position and the role it played in the history of Italy. If you find yourself in Parma or nearby, consider a visit to the beautiful city of Fidenza!

Luca Bianchi
Wrote by Luca Bianchi
Updated Friday, Sep 9, 2022